

China’s Family Enterprise Human Resources Management Mode

【作者】 马金伟

【导师】 刘敬孝;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 家族企业在当今世界很普遍,即使是现代企业制度相当完备的美国也不例外。在《财富》公布的500家大公司中,全球500强中175家是家族控股企业,占到35%,前10名中有4家是家族企业。众所周知的福特、摩托罗拉、可口可乐、现代等都是家族企业。在欧洲公开上市公司中有43%属于家族企业,像摩托罗拉、杜邦等;在亚洲,家族企业也相当普遍,日本松下、韩国现代、泰国的四大金融集团等都是家族控制企业。在中国大陆,家族企业是在中国经济体制剧烈变革的背景下产生的。众多家族企业在改革开放之后迅速崛起,表现出了强大的活力,据统计,目前在中国大陆非公有制经济中,家族企业至少占到了50%以上,是最主要的力量。中国大陆的希望集团、网易、百度,加上盛大都是家族企业。为数众多的家族企业不仅在当前中国国民经济中发挥着重要作用,即使从长远发展来看,也将是中国市场经济发展中不可忽视的重要企业群体(张跃进,2003)。它们的成长,不仅关系到中国经济的发展,也关系到中国社会和文化的进步。毫无疑问,中国的家族企业对中国的经济发展起到了极其重要的贡献和推动作用,然而,“家族企业”这一组织形式又颇具有争议。从我国家族企业目前的发展来看,由于特定的历史和文化因素影响,中国家族企业发展不仅历史短暂,而且与发达国家的家族企业相比较,规模较小、技术落后、人力资源管理滞后。一方面,家族企业不断兴起、迅猛发展、经济地位也不断提高;另一方面,在家族企业中又容易出现创业者陷阱、家族成员内耗、传承陷阱、中小股东被掠夺等现象,这一矛盾现象表明对家族企业,特别是对家族企业持续发展的研究还有待深化。在新形势下,我国家族企业面临着新的挑战,企业间的竞争日益表现为人力资源的竞争。但是家族企业自产生之日起就由于各种原因导致先天不足,管理水平低下、落后的人才观念、不完善的激励制度、缺乏沟通与交流、忽视员工的培训开发和职业生涯规划。本文在界定家族企业、家族企业管理、家族企业管理模式的基础上,进一步指出家族企业在现代商业竞争中的优势和弱点,并在分析了中国家族企业的发展现状以及发展过程后,将我国家族企业的内部管理问题作为分析与研究的对象提出了具有中国特点的家族企业管理模式。

【Abstract】 Family enterprises in the world today are very common, even the modern enterprise system is complete the United States is no exception. Of the fortune 500 big companies announced in global 500 in the home is familial holding enterprises (175, to 35%, top 10 have four is family enterprise. Known as the ford, MOTOROLA, Coca Cola, modern is family enterprise. In European public companies in the family business, 43 percent belongs to such as MOTOROLA, dupont, In Asia, the family business is quite common, Japan panasonic, Korean modern, Thailand’s four financial group is family controlled enterprises.In mainland China, family enterprise is in China’s economic structure drastic changes the background. Many family enterprises in the rapid rise after the reform and opening, showing a strong vitality, according to statistics, at present in China mainland nonpublic economy, the family enterprises accounted for at least 50% above, is the main force. China’s hope group, netease, baidu, plus shanda is family enterprise. Numerous family enterprises in China’s current national economy not only play an important role, even from long-term development, also will be China’s market economy development of important enterprise group (ZhangYueJin, 2003). They grow, not only in relation to the development of China’s economy, but also related to the Chinese social and cultural progress.No doubt, the Chinese family enterprises in China’s economic development plays a very important role and contribution, however, "family" the organization forms and quite controversial. From the development of Chinese family business enterprise at present, because of specific historical and cultural factors, the Chinese family business development history and the developed countries, and short of family enterprises, smaller, compared with backward technology and human resources management. On one hand, family enterprise continuously rise, rapid development, economic status and constantly improve, On the other hand, in family businesses and prone to entrepreneurs traps, family members and inheriting the trap, small effects were looted, shareholder of the contradictory phenomenon that family enterprises, especially on the family of sustainable development research also needs to be deepened.Under the new situation, the Chinese family enterprises is facing new challenges, the competition between enterprises for human resources of the competition. But the family enterprises is generated from the date due to various causes congenital deficiency, low level management, lagging concept of talent, imperfect incentive system, lack of communication and exchange, ignoring the staff training and development and career planning. Based on the definition of family enterprises, family enterprise management, family enterprise management mode, and on the basis of further pointed out in the modern family enterprises in the business competition advantage and weakness, and analyzed the development situation of Chinese family businesses and development process of family enterprises, the internal management as the object of study and analysis of the characteristics of some Chinese family enterprise management mode.

  • 【分类号】F276.5;F272.92
  • 【被引频次】3
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