

The Study of Key Employee Integration Mode in M&A

【作者】 方秀娟

【导师】 王淼;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球经济一体化的发展,并购逐渐成为企业实现增长的主要方式之一,并购企业人力资源整合在并购中具有重要作用,特别是核心员工整合,直接影响着企业并购活动的成败。本文以对并购企业的核心员工整合工作提供理论和模式依据为研究目的,为并购企业的核心员工整合工作提供不同角度的模式参考,应用战略人力资源管理理论、博弈论、心理契约理论对并购企业核心员工整合进行系统分析。本文在对企业并购中核心员工整合问题进行全面系统的分析的基础上,借鉴已有理论和模式,从四个视角,分别是文化视角、战略人力资源视角、博弈论视角和心理契约视角对核心员工整合模式进行分析构建,并最终提出了不同视角下相应的整合模式。本文将核心员工整合模式的实施分为四个阶段,给出了核心员工整合模式的实施流程和对策建议,并建立了核心员工管理机制,对并购企业的核心员工整合具有实际应用指导意义。本文的主要研究结论有:借鉴文化整合模式,针对企业文化对核心员工整合的影响,从并购企业文化强度与被并购企业文化强度两个维度将并购企业核心员工整合模式划分为:吸纳整合模式、创新融合模式、渗透发展模式、分离整合模式;借鉴战略管理模式,从企业并购战略目标及外部市场竞争程度两个维度,将企业并购中的核心员工整合模式分为四种类型:家长制模式、发展式模式、任务式模式和转型式模式;依据博弈论,根据企业并购活动中企业与员工的利益谈判构建核心员工博弈模型,最终得出量化可控的博弈混合策略纳什均衡;依据心理契约理论,分析影响核心员工去留的关键心理因素,并在此基础上分析建立了基于心理契约的核心员工整合模型。最后将并购企业核心员工整合模式的实施分为四个阶段,即准备阶段、整合阶段、融合阶段及效果评价与风险防范阶段。并提出核心员工整合模式实施的策略:建立核心员工识别系统;人力资源尽职调查;促进文化融合;建立核心员工管理机制;注重沟通;妥善处理核心员工流失等。

【Abstract】 With the integration of global economic, mergers and acquisitions has gradually been well known. M&A is one of the ways of growth in business. It’s a business strategic action which enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, by geting external resources when an enterprise growing to a certain stage. Human resource integration, especially integration of key employees, plays an important part in the success of M & A. In M & A, good integration of key employees is so important that, if didn’t do effectively, it will greatly reduce the value of the strategy, sometime it may result in the failure of M&A.This essay aims at providing theoretical basis of key employee integration and try to make some certain mode in key employee integration. Research is done by using literature and theoretical integration method, also, mode and flow charts are used to elaborate the question. With application of corporate culture theory, strategic human resource management theory, game theory and psychological contract theory, I analyze the integration of key employee systematically. Firstly, this essay analyzes the main features of the core staff and integration problems. Secondly, use the four theories to make key employee integration mode. And thirdly, the implementation of Integration is divided into four stages: the preparation phase, integration phase, deep integration phase and evaluation and risk prevention phase. Finally, the implementation process and suggestions are given in the end of the essay. In order to make better use of the mode, the case of Lenovo and IBM is cited as an application case.In conclusion, on the base of cultural integration mode study, we propose four different mode of key employee integration, such as absorbing mode, innovation mode, penetration mode and separation mode. On the base of strategic management, we also propose four different mode of key employee integration, such as patriarchal mode , developmental mode, task-based mode and transition-type mode. Based on game theory, we build the integration mode from the interests of corporations and employees, and ultimately, the game reaches Nash equilibrium. Based on psychological contract theory, we bring many psychological factors into the integration mode, and finally made a schematic diagram of key employee integration mode.In the end of the essay, the implementation of key employee integration mode is divided into four stages: preparation phase, integration phase, deep-integration phase and risk prevention phase. During this four phases, we propose several implementation strategies, such as, the establishment of key employee identification system, human resource survey, the promotion of cultural integration, building key employee management mechanism, focusing on communication and properly handle the loss of key employees.
