

The Research on Consumer Home Jurisdiction of China’s B2C E-contract

【作者】 林峰露

【导师】 刘惠荣;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 网络时代下,电子商务迅速发展,B2C电子商务的发展最受关注。B2C电子商务中,消费者通过网络与商家签订合同,由于网络的无界性和开放性使得B2C电子合同拥有更多的涉外因素。目前,B2C电子合同纠纷管辖的机制可分为诉讼解决机制和非诉解决机制。虽然B2C合同纠纷一般采取在线纠纷解决机制,但是如果涉及诉讼,势必给国际民商事诉讼管辖带来更大的冲突。诉讼解决机制是解决纠纷的最有效的方式,而且通过诉讼得到的结果更具有权威性和可执行性。而且物理环境下的管辖原则在网络环境下受到冲击,在解决管辖权冲突时普通法系国家使用不方便法院原则和禁诉令,大陆法系国家使用先受诉管辖原则。但是这些原则在网络环境下变得不那么可行,而且我国实行“一国两制”,不论普通法系国家还是大陆法系国家的管辖原则在我国都不适用,所以迫切需要选择一个适合我国的管辖原则来切实维护我国的主权和利益。我国的B2C电子商务的发展是迅速的,可是不论《中华人民共和国合同法》还是《电子签名法》都没有涉及关于电子合同纠纷的诉讼管辖的规定,而且关于B2C电子合同纠纷的司法管辖权的研究不是很多,这势必会影响B2C电子商务的发展,所以应尽快在立法上确定对消费者有利的管辖原则即消费者住所地管辖原则。同时由于B2C电子合同中双方当事人地位是不平等的,虽然在网络环境下消费者的地位有所提高,但是消费者相对于商家来说仍处于弱势地位,所以网络环境下的管辖原则应注重保护消费者的合法权益。本文主要研究B2C合同纠纷的诉讼解决机制,通过研究欧盟《布鲁塞尔规则》和海牙《民商事管辖权及外国判决公约》草案中关于消费者原地管辖的描述和消费者住所地管辖原则在各国的适用,总结出消费者住所地管辖原则的优缺点,并结合我国仍处于信息输入国,得出我国在B2C电子合同中应适用更好地保护消费者的管辖原则即消费者住所地管辖原则,并对消费者住所地管辖原则如何在我国更好地适用提出自己的一点见解。通过这篇论文,希望对我国B2C电子合同纠纷的更好解决提高帮助。

【Abstract】 In the e-commerce, B2C e-commerce develops fast.In the B2C e-commerce, consumers and business make the contract through the network. Network is unbounded and open; B2C contracts will involve other factors.Currently, B2C e-contract dispute proceedings on line. Dispute proceedings can be divided into non-complaint resolution mechanisms and settlement mechanism. If it involves litigation, the jurisdiction of the international civil and commercial litigation will be conflicted. Resolving the dispute settlement mechanism is the most effective way, and the results obtained through litigation more authoritative and enforceable. The traditional jurisdictional rules are attacked in a networked environment. To resolve conflicts of jurisdiction in common law countries use the principle of forum non convenient and anti-suit injunctions, civil law countries use the first Appellate jurisdiction, but these principles in the network environment changes a little less viable, and our implementation of“one country two systems”, whether common law or civil law countries do not apply the principle of national jurisdiction, there is an urgent need to select a suitable rules of the jurisdiction of the safeguard our sovereignty and interests. China’s B2C e-commerce development is very fast, but whether the“Contract Law”or“Electronic Signature Act”do not involve a dispute concerning the jurisdiction of the electronic contract provisions, and B2C electronic contracts on the jurisdiction of disputes not many, this will definitely affect the development of B2C e-commerce, so as soon as possible to determine the legislative jurisdiction of the principle of benefit to consumers that the jurisdiction of the home jurisdiction. In B2C contracts the two sides is unequal, although the development of the network makes the position of consumers has increased, but the business is still opposed to consumers in a weak position, so in the research network under the jurisdiction of the rules of the environment should focus on protecting the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. This paper studies B2C contract litigation settlement mechanism, by studying the EU“Brussels rules”and“On the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Convention”consumers place on the draft description of the jurisdiction and the jurisdiction of the home jurisdiction in different countries, summarized the advantages and disadvantages of the home jurisdiction, combined with China in the Internet age is still a relatively weak information importing country. In the B2C electronic contracts benefit consumers to be followed in principle that the jurisdiction of the consumer home jurisdiction, the jurisdiction of the home of the consumer and how to make our country better. Through this paper, in hopes of China’s B2C e-settlement of contractual disputes better.

  • 【分类号】D923;D925.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】139
  • 攻读期成果