

Jiaozhou Bay Water Environmental Quality Assessment and Pollution Control

【作者】 董兆选

【导师】 娄安刚;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 环境科学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 胶州湾是与黄海相通的典型的半封闭海湾,对青岛市经济和社会发展意义重大。近年来,受径流输入、工农业废水和城市生活污水排放的影响,河口区无机氮含量严重超标,局部海域富营养化程度较高,赤潮爆发频次增加,给经济发展以及人类健康带来损害。本研究正是通过分析胶州湾海水因子的长期变化,对胶州湾海水环境质量进行评价,分析胶州湾海水的污染源,提出污染防治措施,为“环湾保护、拥湾发展”战略的实施提供理论依据。胶州湾海水因子分析。2008年和2009年,DO、pH、COD、石油类、Cu、Zn、As、Cr、Hg、Cd和Pb含量均符合《海水水质标准》一类水质标准;DIN含量符合四类及以下水质标准;PO4-P含量符合二、三类水质标准;污染物平面分布自湾东北部高值区向西南部和湾口处含量逐渐递减。1996~2009年DO、pH、COD、石油类以及重金属皆达到一类水质标准;DIN含量符合《海水水质标准》三类及以下水质标准,年际变化整体呈先上升后平稳再下降之势。“九五”和“十五”期间为四类以下水质(>0.5 mg /L);“十一五”DIN含量有所下降,2007和2009年达三类水质; 1996~2009年PO4-P含量符合二、三类水质标准。胶州湾海水质量评价。2008和2009年,单因子评价表明DIN是首要污染物,其次是PO4-P;水质类别面积评价表明,劣四类水质面积为55.8%和35.3%,水质由北向南逐渐变好,湾口为二类及以上水质,李村河口、楼山河口以及红岛养殖区为四类及以下水质;水质定性评价为差;潜在富营养化评价表明,湾体处于不同程度的磷限制潜在性富营养,河口处富营养化严重;有机污染指数评价表明,有机污染程度级别为2级,水质开始受到污染,河口处有机污染严重。1996~2009年胶州湾水质综合评价为差,且“十五”期间水质极差,劣四类水质百分比≥40%。胶州湾主要污染物分析。按照污染物来源分为团岛、海泊河、李村河、板桥坊河、楼山河、墨水河、大沽河和前湾等8个排污单元。主要污染物入海通量排序为化学需氧量>氨氮>总磷。COD的入海通量为52879吨/年,生活源占49.7%,楼山河、李村河、大沽河排污单元贡献率最高;氨氮入海通量为7411吨,生活源占52.6%,海泊河、大沽河、李村河排污单元贡献率最高;总磷入海通量为740吨,生活源占50.3%,大沽河、李村河和海泊河排污单元贡献率最高。应加大基础设施建设,建立广覆盖的污水收集管网,推进污水处理厂的新建、改建、扩建工程;调整产业结构与工业布局,加快解决结构性工业污染,严格实施总量控制,推进企业清洁生产;大力治理面源污染;循环利用再生水;推进生态环境修复。

【Abstract】 Jiaozhou Bay is a typical semi-enclosed bay link to the Yellow Sea, which is important to economic and social development of Qingdao. In recent years, by the influence of inputs of runoff, agricultural and industrial wastewater, DIN content far exceeded in the estuary, eutrophication degree of local water is higher, number of red tide increases, which bring serious damage to economic and health. This research is precisely analyzing the long-term changes of water factors and pollutions, evaluating the quality of sea environment, and proposing pollution control measures.The distribution of water factors analysis. From 2008 to 2009, the contents of DO、pH、COD、Oil、Cu、Zn、As、Cr、Hg、Cd and Pb meet grade I water standard. The content of DIN meets gradeⅣ, the content of PO4-P meet gradeⅡ-Ⅲ. The spatial distribution of pollutions appeared a downward trend from eastern estuary and northern breeding area to low concentration areas including bay center and the mouth. From 1996 to 2009, Content of DIN meet gradeⅢ, annual change shows trends of increased and then decreased. Content of PO4-P meet gradeⅡ.Jiaozhou Bay water quality assessment. From 2008 to 2009,Single-factor evaluation show primary pollutant is DIN, followed by the PO4-P,Area evaluation show water area of gradeⅣbelow is 55.8% and 35.3%, water quality changes better from north to south, Licun estuary, Loushan estuary and Hongdao breeding show gradeⅣ, water quality evaluation is worse. Potential eutrophication assessment shows that Jiaozhou Bay is in Phosphorus-limit potential eutrophication,estuaries show serious eutrophication, Assessment of organic pollution index shows that organic pollution is in gradeⅡ,water is starting polluted, organic pollution of estuaries is serious. From 1996 to 2009, Jiaozhou Bay Water Quality Evaluation is poor, and during "fifth" shows very poor water quality, water quality worse than gradeⅣis more than 40%.Main pollutants of Jiaozhou Bay analysis. Sewage units are divided into eight units including Tuandao, Haibo River, Banqiaofang River, Loushan River, Moshui River, Dagu River and Qianwan. Input of main pollutants shows quantity of COD is maximum,NH4-N second, and the third one is TP. Input of COD is 52879 ton every year, life sewage is the main source account 49.7%, Loushan River, Licun River, Dagu River have the highest contribution rate; Input of NH4-N is 7411 ton every year, Life sewage account 52.6%, Haibo River,Licun River,Dagu River have the highest contribution rate; ;Input of Totle P is 740 ton every year, life sewage account 50.3%, Haibo River, Licun River, Dagu River have the highest contribution rate.Pollution control of Jiaozhou Bay water including increase of infrastructure, establishment of broad coverage of sewage collection pipe network, sewage treatment plants to promote new construction, renovation and expansion project; Adjustment the industrial structure and industrial distribution, adjustment the structural industrial pollution, strict enforcement of total control, and promote cleaner Production; strong point source pollution control; recycling of reclaimed water; promote ecological restoration.

【关键词】 胶州湾水质评价富营养化
【Key words】 Jiaozhou Baywater qualityassessmenteutrophication