

Study on Treatment of Polluted River Water with Combined Packing SBBR

【作者】 周艳丽

【导师】 佘宗莲;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 环境工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文在序列间歇式反应器(SBR)中添加组合纤维填料(ZH组合填料),构成序批式生物膜法反应器(SBBR),以传统SBR工艺为对照,研究SBBR工艺对污染河水的净化效果,重点考察了不同运行条件对CODCr、硝态氮和总氮去除的影响。主要研究内容分为三部分,一是通过正交试验,确定反应器的最佳运行模式;二是反应器运行影响因素研究,研究不同进水硝态氮浓度、pH值、C/N比以及低温条件下,两反应器处理污染河水的效果及污染物去除特性;三是反应器污泥活性分析,研究反应器中成熟污泥的亚硝化活性、硝化活性和反硝化活性,初步探讨反应器的脱氮特性。通过研究得到如下结论:(1)正交试验得出的理论分析结合实际运行情况,选定两工艺的最佳运行模式为进水10 min,缺氧搅拌4 h,好氧曝气1 h,后缺氧搅拌2 h,沉淀排水50 min。在最佳运行模式下,SBR工艺和SBBR工艺对CODCr的去除率分别为97.28%和96.57%,硝态氮去除率分别为99.91%和99.74%,总氮去除率分别为99.51%和99.24%。(2)进水硝态氮浓度升高对两反应器CODCr的去除率影响很小,对硝态氮和总氮的去除率影响较大。在进水硝态氮浓度较高的情况下,SBBR工艺的处理效率和运行稳定性远高于SBR工艺。改变进水硝态氮浓度时,同一反应器各运行周期内氮转化和CODCr去除的总体趋势和规律相近。随进水硝态氮浓度升高,运行周期内亚硝态氮积累量增加,SBR中亚硝酸盐的积累量高于SBBR。由CODCr的初期快速吸附情况可以看出附着生物膜对CODCr的吸附活性低于悬浮污泥。(3)SBR和SBBR对CODCr去除率均在进水pH值为8.0时最高,6.0时最低。对硝态氮和总氮的去除率均在进水pH值为7.0时最高,9.0时最低。SBR工艺受进水pH值的影响较SBBR工艺稍为明显。进水pH值影响反硝化过程中亚硝态氮积累段的NO3--N还原速率、NO2--N积累速率和NO2--N还原速率。两个反应器在不同的进水pH值条件下,一个运行周期内混合液的pH值变化趋势相似,都是先升高,后略有降低,且变化范围较小,有利于保持较高的处理效率。(4)保持进水pH=7.0的条件下,C/N比的降低对两反应器CODCr去除率影响均不大;随着C/N比从5.4降至2.7,两反应器出水硝态氮和总氮浓度均呈大幅升高趋势;C/N比由5.4升高到8.4时,两反应器的氮去除率并未提高。总体来看,SBBR工艺比SBR工艺脱氮率高,在C/N比为2.7时,SBBR工艺去除硝态氮和总氮的优势更为明显。(5)在低温(10℃)条件下,SBBR工艺CODCr和氮去除率均未明显降低;SBR工艺CODCr去除率略有降低,出水亚硝态氮大量积累,硝态氮和总氮的去除率显著降低。(6)两反应器污泥的反硝化活性远大于硝化活性和亚硝化活性,可能是由于反应器处理硝态氮含量高的废水,长期保持缺氧为主的运行方式,反硝化细菌比硝化细菌得到了更有效的富集。运行过程中,SBR工艺对亚硝态氮的积累比SBBR工艺更明显,分析反硝化活性时,仅以硝态氮的降解量计算反硝化速率是不合适的,应以硝态氮和亚硝态氮总量的变化衡量反硝化活性。

【Abstract】 In this study, combined fibrous packing (Model NO.ZH) was added into a Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) system. Compared with a conventional SBR, the laboratory-scale Sequencing Batch Biofilm Reactor (SBBR) fed with synthetic polluted river water was designed to investigate the performance of pollution removal. Specific objectives of the research were to investigate the effect of changing conditions on CODCr removal, nitrate removal and total nitrogen removal. This study is mainly divided into three parts. Firstly, the optimal operating cycle was defined through orthogonal test. Secondly, effect and removal characteristic of influent NO3--N concentration, pH, C/N, temperature on the pollution removal were studied based on the steady system. Thirdly, the sludge activity of SBR and SBBR including nitrosation activity, nitrification activity and denitrification activity were investigated in batch experimental apparatus. The conclusions of this study can be summaried as follows:(1)According to the orthogonal test (three factors and three levels) and operation condition, the optimal operation cycle was determined: 10 min filling, 4 h first anaerobic stirring, 1 h aeration, 2 h second anaerobic stirring, 50 min settling and drawing for SBR and SBBR. On the optimal operation cycle of the long and steady run, the CODCr, NO3--N and total nitrogen removal efficiency of SBR and SBBR were 97.28% and 96.57%, 99.91% and 99.74%, 99.51% and 99.24% respectively.(2)Both in SBR and SBBR, with the increase of influent NO3--N concentration, CODCr removal efficiency were slightly affected while NO3--N and total nitrogen removal efficiency decreased significantly. SBBR showed higher removal rates of NO3--N, TN, and more stable operation with higher influent NO3--N concentration.Typical profiles of NH4+-N,NO2--N, NO3--N and CODCr concentration in a cycle of SBR and SBBR were hardly affected by the change of influent NO3--N concentration. However, there existed discrepancy between SBR and SBBR. Easier nitrite accumulation and higher adsorption of CODCr in SBR were observed.(3)The CODCr removal efficiency of SBR and SBBR both achieved highest at pH value of 7.0, lowest at 6.0. While NO3--N and total nitrogen removal efficiency achieved highest at 7.0, lowest at 9.0. The effect of influent pH on the performance of pollution removal is a little more remarkable in SBR than that in SBBR.Rates of NO3--N reduction, NO2--N accumulation and NO2--N reduction during NO2--N accumulation phase of denitrification were affected by influent pH. With the changing influent pH, variation of pH in a cycle stayed relatively stable both in SBR and SBBR, with the initial little increase and latter slight decrease, through which a good performance may be achieved.(4)The variety of influent C/N hardly affected the CODCr removal efficiency, while the effluent concentration of NO3--N and TN increased drastically with the decrease of influent C/N from 5.4 to 2.7. The nitrogen removal efficiency showed no advantage when influent increased from 5.4 to 8.4. Totally, SBBR made a better performance than SBR, especially at C/N of 2.7.(5)With low operation temperation, the pollution removal efficiency hardly decreased in SBBR. Although CODCr removal efficiency decreased slightly, a large amount of accumulation of NO2--N in effluent was observed in SBR.(6)Due to the high influent NO3--N concentration and long-term anaeration operation conditon, the denitrification activity is higher than the nitrisation activity and the nitrification activity both in SBR and SBBR. The use of nitrate concentration as the sole parameter of the denitrification rate is not accurate, for nitrite accumulates more obviously in SBR than in SBBR.
