

The Reconstruction of the Sentencing Procedures

【作者】 贺葸葸

【导师】 黄士元;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在刑事审判中,定罪的准确性和量刑的适当性是其必然要求。但在我国的大部分地区的司法实践中,仍然存在法院的司法审判中存在重定罪、轻量刑的现象。即使定罪准确、但量刑不适当的话,同样会损害司法权威。因此,确保量刑准确,已经作为我国司法改革的热点、难点问题需要法律工作者进一步思考、研究。个案之间的量刑不均衡,同案不同判往往会使涉案的被告人及其亲属、被害人的产生不满和对立情绪,继而引起社会公众对司法公正乃至法治的怀疑与动摇等。最高人民法院已经决定,从2010年10月1日起在我国法院全面推行量刑规范化改革,试行《人民法院量刑指导意见(试行)》,这不仅开始了人民法院量刑制度改革的序幕,而且也为制定一套比较科学的量刑程序规则打开了新思路。本文中笔者从我国现阶段量刑概况及其偏差问题入手,探讨量刑不规范对于我国刑罚目的的实现、法律形象维护、司法公正问题的不良影响,并从而查找形成造成量刑偏差的原因,进而通过对比量刑一体化模式和量刑分离模式,提出较为独立的隔离量刑程序的重构思路。具体说来,本文笔者将从以下四部分详细论述。第一章,主要概述我国量刑情况,提出当前我国存在的量刑不规范问题,分析造成量刑不规范的各方因素。第二章,主要通过对量刑一体化模式及量刑分离化模式的对比和详细论述,指出两种模式各自的优缺点,从对比之中获取启示。第三章,主要描述现阶段我国量刑程序试点情况。以淄博市淄川区法院“阳光量刑”程序、上海浦东新区法院以及姜堰市法院的量刑试点为例,厘清试点地方中存在的问题及成因。第四章,提出量刑程序的制度设计。通过对两种模式量刑程序的借鉴,笔者提出自己的观点重构相对隔离量刑程序模式,并对量刑程序的重要制度进行论述。

【Abstract】 In criminal trials, judges shall apply the right law to a right person and sentence him adequately. Nowadays, the phenomenon that conviction is emphasized while sentence is ignored exists in China. In this case, it will be detrimental to for judicial authority. Thus, it is a hot button in the judicial reform to make sure the properness of sentence, which is a big problem as well. If individual cases are badly dealt with, it will result in the two party’s sentiment and antagonism, and people will suspect judicial justice and ruling by law afterwards. The Supreme People’s Court has decided that courts all over the country will carry out a reform on normalization of penalty measurement since October 1st,2010 with trying out Guidelines of Penalty, which is a prelude to the reform and point out a comparative reasonable logic for penalty measurement. The thesis starts with an analysis of situation and inadequateness of penalty to figure out bad influences on the aim of penalty, the maintenance of the public image, and judicial appliance and find out the reason of the problem. Moreover, the idea of constructing a comparatively separate sentencing procedure will be raised by making a contrast between integration mode and separation mode.Specifically, this paper is divided into four parts:Chapter 1 is the general introduction of sentencing in China to point out current problems of sentencing in China and the causes of problems.Chapter 2 is detailed illustration of sentencing integration mode and separation mode. Point out advantages and disadvantages of these two modes so as to get enlightenment through comparison,Chapter 3 is a description of pilot situation of sentencing procedure in China, from the perspective of sentencing pilot-"Sunshine Sentencing in Zichuan District Court, Jiangyan Court and Pudong District Court, Shanghai, analyzing the existing problems in the pilot and the reasons. Chapter 4 is to put forward formulating plane of sentencing procedure. Through reference from two modes of sentencing procedures, the author offers his opinions of constructing relatively separated sentencing procedure and elaborates on important system of sentencing procedure.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期
  • 【分类号】D925.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】40