

Research on Problems and Solutions of Rural Information Service Construction in Jiangsu

【作者】 蒋萍

【导师】 贾丹华;

【作者基本信息】 南京邮电大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国政府高度重视农村信息化。胡锦涛在党的十七大报告中指出:解决好农业、农村、农民问题,事关全面建设小康社会大局,必须始终作为全党工作的重中之重,实现农业现代化是我国基本实现现代化的一项重要任务。至今,中央一号文件已经连续七年关注农村,强调城乡统筹发展,并且从加强“农村一体化的信息基础设施建设”,到“积极探索信息服务进村入户的途径和办法”,再到2010年“健全农村综合信息服务体系”,历年来对农村信息化建设的认识和要求逐年深化,任务和部署逐步细化。因此,加快江苏农村信息化进程,通过村通工程来促进农村信息基础设施的建设和农村信息服务的推广,完善江苏农村的信息服务体系,具有较大的研究意义。本论文结合国家社科基金项目,以江苏省农村信息服务为研究对象,在全面分析国内外农村信息服务发展以及参考国内外大量研究文献的基础上,根据目前江苏省农村信息服务的现状和村通工程推进农村信息化建设的要求,认真研究江苏省农村信息服务存在的问题,提出加快推进我省乃至全国农村信息化发展的思路和对策,以促进以江苏省为典型的全国农村信息化建设水平的整体提高。论文具体分析重点及解决的问题为以下几个方面:(1)建设农户的信息服务应用情况评估指标体系,定性评估江苏整体及苏南、苏中和苏北的农村信息服务应用水平;(2)通过因子分析、回归分析等方法定量分析影响农村信息服务满意度的关键因子,构建农村信息服务满意度模型;(3)在发现农村信息服务建设中存在问题的基础上,探究江苏农村信息服务发展模式。本论文以江苏省内不同地区为样本,运用问卷调查、深度访谈等方法,获取一手资料和数据,运用因子分析、回归分析等方法进行定量分析,实证研究农村信息服务建设的影响因素和相关问题,构建评估指标体系和满意度模型,评估不同地区农村信息服务应用水平和满意度水平,并以此为基础,探究江苏农村信息服务发展模式,提出农村信息服务进一步发展的对策建议。

【Abstract】 The Chinese Government attaches great importance to rural informatiozation. Chinese President Hu Jintao pointed out in the report of the 17th CPC National Congress, addressing the problems of the agriculture, rural areas and farmers concerns the overall situation of building a moderately prosperous society, and it should always be the most important task of the Party. He also indicated that achieving agricultural modernization is one of the main tasks for our country to basically realize the modernization. So far, the Central Documents No.1 have been concerned about the rural areas for 7 years and have stressed coordinative urban-rural development. The focuses of the Documents varied from“integrating the information infrastructure in the urban and rural areas”to”actively exploring the ways of bringing the information service to rural areas, and finally to farmers’homes”, and in 2010 to”improving the rural information service system”.From these, we can see, year after year, concerning the construction of rural informatiozation, the understandings and requests have been deepened ,and the tasks and deployments have been refined. Therefore, the problems that how to quicken the process of Jiangsu rural informatiozation, and promote the construction of rural information infrastructure and service, and improve the Jiangsu rural information service system are of great research significant.With the support from the item of National Funds of Social Science, this paper considered information service in rural areas of Jiangsu Province as the research object. Based on the Comprehensive analysis of the rural information services and the reference of considerable research literature in home and abroad, and according to the current situation of Jiangsu rural information service and the requests of Project“Extend Communications Coverage to Every village”, it studied the existing problems of Jiangsu rural information service and proposed the ideas and strategies of accelerating the national development of rural infomatiozation considered Jiangsu as a typical to promote the overall level of rural infomatiozation improvement of China. In this paper, the key problems to study were as follows(:1) built the Rural Information Service Application Index System, which can be used to qualitatively evaluate the rural infomatiozation level of overall Jiangsu and the south, middle, north distinctive areas in Jiangsu.(2)though methods such as Factor Analysis, Regression Analysis, quantitatively analyzed the main factors that affect the satisfaction of rural information service, and construct the Rural Information Service Satisfaction Model.(3)based on the problems existing in the rural information service, explored the Jiangsu Rural Information Service Model.To put different areas in Jiangsu as sample, this paper applied the methods such as questionnaire survey and depth interview to acquire the information and data, and though the methods such as Factor Analysis, Regression Analysis, it carried out the quantitative analysis and empirically studied the factors and problems of rural information service. And what’s more, it constructed the evaluation index system and satisfaction model to assess the rural information service application level and satisfaction level. Based on these, it explored the Jiangsu rural information service model and put forward the suggestions to further the development of the rural information service.
