

Nanjing Cigarette Factorymaterialinformation Management System

【作者】 李笑天

【导师】 张登银;

【作者基本信息】 南京邮电大学 , 计算机技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 社会已步入到信息时代,信息已成为企业的一个重要资源,向信息和管理要效益也是大势所趋。大型企业经营的物资品种多达数万项,资金流通量非常大,下属各仓储地域分散,仓储资金额数额巨大,因此在向管理要效益的今天,物资管理信息系统在企业经营中具有十分重要的作用。为了提高企业对物资管理水平,将业务处理从单纯的人工操作转换成计算机处理,本文结合南京卷烟厂的特点,按照软件工程思想和管理信息系统的开发步骤,采用B/S[5]模式,设计并实现一个物资管理信息系统,对物资进行全方位的管理。系统主要功能包括库存管理、入库管理、出库管理、系统管理、数据统计等。论文主要工作包括需求分析,逻辑设计,总体设计,详细设计以及系统测试和实施,给出了系统结构图、业务流程图、数据流程图、E-R模型、数据字典及其关系、功能模块算法流程、界面设计等。本系统采用My Eclipse平台进行软件开发,数据库采用Ms SQL serve,应用实现基于MVC[28]设计模式,综合了JSP、Java等开发技术。

【Abstract】 Society has entered into the information era, the information has become an important resource for any enterprises, and it is also inevitable that information and management requires efficiency. Large enterprise supplies of tens of thousands of items, circulation of funds is very large, and therefore benefit from management today and materials management play an important role in various industries development.System combines the characteristics of Nanjing Cigarette Factory, according to software engineering thinking and management information system development process, using B/S mode and Ms SQL server database management system, designed and implemented a materials management information system. The materials management system can realize all-round management of materials. Systems major functions include inventory management, storage management, and data statistics module. The article including analysis needs, logic design, detailed design, system testing, implementation of the various stages of the main contents and results, gives that system structure, operational flow chart, data flow diagram, ER model, data dictionary, interface design and so on.The system uses my eclipse platform for software development, and the database uses MS SQL server, based on MVC design patterns, integrated with JAVA and JSP technology for development.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】60