

Design and Implementation of Initiatively Check Subsystem Based on the Grid in Labor Supervision System

【作者】 付伟伟

【导师】 张世栋;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 计算机技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 劳动监察网格化是指根据劳动保障监察管辖规定,按照管辖区域内用人单位的数量和监管难度,以街道(乡镇)或社区为基础划分为若干网格,每一网格配备一定数量的监察工作人员,明确职责和任务,包括实时采集和监控网格内用人单位招用工、劳动合同、工资支付、劳动条件、社会保险等方面的信息及情况,实现覆盖城乡用人单位的劳动保障监察执法网。随着经济社会发展速度的加快,以及国家一系列相关政策的出台,劳动关系面临诸多不确定因素,劳资纠纷持续上升,传统的人工管理方式效率低下的弊端越来越突出,迫切需要以网格化为基础,建立一个劳动保障监察网络化管理平台,进一步提高劳动监察执法效能。本文主要研究的是劳动监察系统中网格主动监控子系统的设计与实现。该子系统是劳动监察系统的核心部分,主要包括网格动态监控、日常巡查、专项检查、书面审查、网格机构管理、网格人员管理、网格电子地图等功能。本文根据面向对象软件工程的开发思想,采用UML对系统各部分的需求进行了详细分析,并根据B/S/S的架构进行分层设计,采用Struts+Hibernate+Spring的框架来实现系统业务的处理,前台页面则采用ExtJs来实现。本系统已经在山东省东营市等地部署运行,系统的稳定运行,提高了劳动监察机构的工作效率,缓解了劳动监察机构的工作压力,得到了客户的好评,使系统在更大范围内的推广成为可能。

【Abstract】 The gridding of labor supervision means that divide the jurisdiction into several grids based on roads (towns) or community under the Labor Security Supervision Jurisdiction Provision and according to the number of employer as well as difficulty of supervision in this jurisdiction, a center amount of supervisors was allocated to each grid, they have clear duties and tasks, which include real-time collecting and supervising employers’recruit and use work force, labor contract, disbursement of payrolls, working conditions, social insurance. And finally implement the labor supervision grid that covers all employers in the city and countryside. With the rapid development of economic society, as well as the introduction of a series of national policies, labor relations are facing more and more uncertainties, labor disputes continue to rise. The drawback of traditional management which mainly rely on laborcontrol becomes more and more outstanding, and so we need to establish a network platform of labor supervision based on the gridding, improve the efficiency of labor supervision.This paper studied initiatively check subsystem in Labor Supervision System This subsystem is the core part of Labor Supervision System, contains dynamic check, daily check, special check, paper check, management of grid info, management of grid person, electronic map. According to the thinking of object-oriented software engineering, as well as customers’requirements, the needs of the various parts of the module is analyzed with UML, and designed according to B/S/S architecture. Then use the Struts+Hibernate+Spring framework to realize system’s service, use ExtJs to realize user interface.This system has been deployed in Dongying, Shandong. The stable running of this system increased the efficiency of labor supervision, eased the work pressure of labor rights supervision, and was praised by the customer, all of these make it possible that to expand the use of this system in more areas.

【关键词】 劳动监察B/S/SStrutsExtJs
【Key words】 Labor SupervisionB/S/SStrutsExtJs
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】56