

Research on Ecological Restoration Technology of Upper Stream of Xiaoqing River

【作者】 辛宏杰

【导师】 刘汝涛; 李福林;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 环境工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 小清河是济南市重要的防洪排涝河道,具有防洪、除涝、灌溉等多种功能,近年来由于工业污水和生活废水的大量排入,小清河水环境功能遭到严重破坏。选择小清河上游段(济南段)进行生态恢复研究,对改善济南市水环境质量,保护和恢复景观河道功能,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。本文通过搜集资料、文献查询、现场调研等手段,分析了小清河近百年来的河道形态及生态环境的演变,结果表明:1996年河道弯曲系数为1.087,相对1917年基本没有变化;河底高程差在0.13-4.13m,平均值为2.05m;河道横断面因人为原因基本变为梯形;水质恶化严重,除上游段符合地表水Ⅲ类标准,其余均为劣V类水质;河道80%以上的水草、鱼虾等水生生物绝迹。通过影响因子分析得出溶解氧、化学需氧量、生化需氧量、氨氮、氟离子为小清河水质污染的主因子。以9+300断面为例从引水补源、污染物控制、河道形态整治及综合治理角度提出生态恢复方案并进行模拟,结果表明:①在增补水量6.4m3/s情况下,COD、NH3-N的水质改善程度分别达到34.1%、56.7%。②通过人工湿地系统处理,BOD、COD、NH3-N的浓度分别降低38.6%、32.0%、68.1%。③通过河道形态整治,改变了河流的水动力条件,减小了流速,有利于污染物的降解;两岸植被护坡以及缓冲带的建设增加了水体的自净能力与生物对污染物的降解能力。实施此方案BOD、COD、NH3-N平均浓度分别降低了4.7%、7.4%、4.3%。④结合引水补源与污染物控制方案,BOD、COD、NH3-N的平均浓度分别降低了42%、38%、72%,此方案实现了小清河生态修复的标本兼治。

【Abstract】 Xiaoqing river is an important flood channel. Its functions contains flood protection,waterlogging elimination.irrigation and so on. In recent years,water environment of Xiaoqing river is worsing more and more because of the discharge of industry and living sewage. There is not only theory but also realistic meaning to chose the upper stream of Xiaoqing river(Jinan reach of Xiaoqing river) as the ecological restoration study area. It can improve the water environment quality, protect and renew the function of sight riverway.By several methods such as data collection, reference inquiry and site survey and so on, the thesis analyzed the historical evolution of river configuration and eco-environment of Xiaoqing river over the past 100 years, and the results show that:the river meandering coefficient of 1996 is 1.087, compared with 1917, it has not changed much, yet the channel only turns wide at estuary region; difference of river bed elevation ranges between 0.13-4.13m, with an average of 2.05m; cross-section profile has artificially turned into trapezoid; water quality has seriously degraded, with that of all river segment rated as V degree except for the upper reaches satisfyingⅢstandard; hydro-bios has died out in over 80% of the channel. Impact index analysis reveals that main factors of water pollution in Xiaoqing River includes DO, COD, BOD, ammonia nitrogen, fluorine ion. Take cross-section of 9+300 for example, ecological restoration schemes by river regulation, water supplement, pollution control and comprehensive control are proposed and simulated, and results show that:①in supplement water of 6.4m3/s scheme, COD、NH3-N improves by 34.1%,56.7%, respectively;②by systematic treatment of artificial wetland, concentrate of BOD, COD, NH3-N are reduced by 38.6%,32%,68.1%, respectively;③by river configuration maintenance, river dynamic is changed, flow rate is reduced, which are all helpful for degradation of pollution; Construction of bank vegetation and buffer zone increases self-clean capacity of water body and degradation capacity of bios to pollutions. In this scheme, average concentrate of BOD, COD, NH3-N are reduced by 4.7%,7.4%,4.3%, respectively;④combined with river regulation, water supplement schemes, average concentrate of BOD, COD, NH3-N are reduced by 42%,38%, 72%, respectively, and this scheme achieves thorough ecological restoration of Xiaoqing river.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】X171.4
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】232