

Research of Donald Black’s Legal Theory

【作者】 赵京朝

【导师】 罗文波;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律史, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 唐纳德·布莱克是美国当代著名法社会学家,其通过对法律行为的计量分析构建的一个独特的“纯粹法社会”理论体系,’在法社会学领域产生了重要的影响。在理论领域,他尝试运用一种崭新的方法论去准确的分析、预测法律现象变化。在实践领域,布莱克倡导价值中立的法律判断,主张司法应当致力于平等的对待每一个类似的案件。他将价值平等的思想贯穿进案例分析的实践中,希望找到一个平衡的模式实现“相同案件结果相同”的司法理想。布莱克的纯粹法社会学理论被认为极富启发性,并且大大扩展了法学的研究范畴。对于我国的法社会学研究者来说,对唐纳德·布莱克法律思想的深入研究和探讨有着很重要的借鉴意义。不过令人遗憾的是,尽管现阶段学者们已经翻译了布莱克的诸多经典著作,但并没有给研究者和读者们带来唐纳德·布莱克法律思想理论内核的清晰的认识,造成了对唐纳德·布莱克法律思想体系的两极化的评判状况。本文并认为这种状况应该被归咎于其法律著作的抽象性。因为著作的抽象性尽管会阻碍读者的理解,但是不会导致读者对该思想内容产生两极的评价。本文认为研究布莱克法律思想的基本研究方法的缺憾才是导致这种现象出现的主要原因。因此,本文决定引入一种新的思想史研究方法,对布莱克的法律思想进行实验性的研究,以尝试解答现阶段布莱克法律思想研究中存在的争议,并揭示布莱克法律思想的研究核心,为以后布莱克的法律思想研究提供一个新的切入点和视角。英国剑桥学派是兴起于20世纪60年代的一个思想史研究流派,它以昆廷·斯金纳、约翰·达恩、约翰·波考克——“三剑客”为核心,提出了“历史语境主义”系列方法。该方法论甫一面世就在思想史研究领域产生了极大的轰动,并很快在思想史研究者中迅速的传播开来。欧美众多思想史研究者利用该系列方法最政治领域有影响的经典著作进行深入研究,产生了丰硕的成果。本文在第一部分便着重介绍剑桥学派的研究范畴以及“历史语境主义”系列方法的两个基本立场,作为以此研究布莱克法律思想的铺垫。根据剑桥学派的两个基本方法的要求,本文在第二和第三部分中,对布莱克法律思想文本中所展现的思想特征进行了梳理。第二部分,主要解决的是布莱克法律思想产生的历史性特征,这个特征主要由思想文本的产生过程所表现。在这个基础上本文进一步从中展示布莱克法律思想的创作意图,为正确理解布莱克法律思想的基本要素奠定基础。第三部分,主要回答了布莱克法律思想内容与社会语境——即与思潮背景之间的联系。本部分尝试为布莱克法律思想的“观念元素”划定一个明确的历史思潮范畴。为避免研究理解布莱克法律思想产生“时代误置”创造条件。第四部分,本文在前两部分的基础上对布莱克法律思想的理论内核进行界阐释。本文认为对布莱克法律思想的基本内核的正确阐释和理解是深入研究布莱克法律思想的前提条件。通过以上四部分的实验,本文认为将剑桥学派“历史语境主义”研究方法引入布莱克法律思想的研究中非常必要。本文在第五部分对这次实验性的法律思想史研究进行了总结,指出了通过剑桥学派思想史方法论的指引,我们在布莱克法律思想研究中获得的基本认识以及剑桥学派给我们法律思想史研究提供的启示。

【Abstract】 Donald Black is a famous Sociologist of law. He created a particular law theory, which named "pure sociology". And his theory had a major impact in Sociology of law. In the scope of law theory, he tried to use analysis and forecast phenomena of law in any area. This attempt received a high evaluation. Many researchers praise it as an achievement in legal theory. In practice, Black insist that we mast persist Value neutrality injustice. He put this concept in the practice of analysis about case, and hopes getting a harmony status about similar case getting similar results. As our country, I think this theory has important value for our justice.But unfortunately, the research about Donald Black’s Legal Theory is always deficiency. And researchers look like unclearly about this theory. So we can get a phenomenon that people have two conflicting evaluation. This situation was initially attributed to the abstract of their legal work. I don’t think so. Despite the abstraction works because hinder the reader’s understanding of the text, but not lead the reader to the ideological content generated mixed reviews. This paper argues that the basic idea of Black’s Law methods of deficiency is the main cause this phenomenon.So this paper introduces the Cambridge in history of thought research methods, to try to answer at this stage there are Black’s Theory of the legal dispute, and reveal the core of study of Black’s legal theory, thought for the correct understanding of the basic elements of Black’s Law basis.Cambridge School appeared in 60 years of the 20th century. As a well-known school of Intellectual History, it is used by researchers the entire world. Quentin Skinner, John Dunn and John Pocock are representatives of Cambridge. They insisted using methods of Historical Contextualism to research the texts of Intellectual History, This paper introduce these methods in part 1 as the ground work of Black’s Legal Theory.According to the Cambridge of the requirements of the two basic methods, in part 2 and part 3,1 try to show tow features of Black’s Legal Theory.In part 2, I try to find the historic features of Black’s Legal Theory. Show the legal thinking from the creative intent of Black for the correct understanding of the basic elements of legal thought Blake basis.In part 3, I try to answer the question about the contact between text and the ideological trends in the social context. I thought Black’s Law "idea element" a clear delineation of areas of historical thought.In part 4,I defined the scope of core in Black’s Legal Theory. Because of the lack of current research, and resulted in some bias on this issue understand it, need the right to be revised.Through the above four parts of the experiment, this paper argues the Cambridge school "historical contextualist" research method is introduced to the study of legal thought Blake is necessary. In this paper, the fifth part of the legal thinking of the history of experimental research are summarized, pointing out that the Cambridge School of Intellectual History through the methodology of the guidelines, we have a basic understanding of legal thought Blake and the Cambridge Intellectual History our law school to study Revelation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】D909.1
  • 【下载频次】139