

Technical Research on Pretreatment to Improve BOD5/CODcr of Printing and Dyeing Wasterwater

【作者】 谈旭辉

【导师】 徐乐中;

【作者基本信息】 苏州科技学院 , 市政工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究的目的在于,通过预处理提高印染废水的可生化性。本研究以BOD5/CODcr(以下简称B/C)为主要考察指标,以现场试验和数量分析为主要研究方法,探讨物化法以及物化-生化联用法提高印染废水B/C的可能性和各方法的优势。物化法主要包括Fenton氧化法、硫酸亚铁混凝法,物化-生化联用法主要是指硫酸亚铁前混凝和ABR反应池的联用。Fenton氧化法处理印染废水,当双氧水和硫酸亚铁的摩尔投加比(n(H2O2)/n(Fe2+))为5~10、H2O2投加量在1.3-2.5mmol/L、Fenton反应时间为20~30min、起始pH为3~5时,COD去除率能稳定在40%以下,而B/C能提高到0.3以上。在此操作条件下,本反应既可以在一点程度上为后续处理降低COD负荷,又可以提高B/C到0.3以上硫酸亚铁混凝法处理印染废水时,当硫酸亚铁投加量为500mg/L,起始pH值为10,反应时间为5min,回调pH至10,沉淀时间为60min, B/C基本维持在0.3以上,而预处理COD去除率在40%以下。通过技术比较和经济比较,本课题认为硫酸亚铁加碱法更适合预处理段,在中试试验中选择硫酸亚铁加碱法为主要工艺。硫酸亚铁加碱法单独运行的中试试验中,在不调节pH值,保证沉淀时间60min的前提下,硫酸亚铁投加量为300ppm、400ppm、500ppm时,B/C比能提升至0.30~0.33,而COD去除率为20%~30%。物化-生化联用法处理印染废水的处理效果要好于两者单独运行。本研究为“十一五国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项”《水乡城镇水环境整治技术研究与综合示范》的子课题《场地信息调查与污水厂预处理技术研究》的研究项目。(子课题编号:2008ZX07313-006-02)

【Abstract】 The purpose of this study is to improve the biodegradability of dyeing and printing wastewater through the pretreatment. This study takes BOD5/CODcr (hereinafter referred to as "B/C") as main investigation index, takes field test and quantitative analysis as the main research method, explore the possibility of raising B/C under the treatment of physicochemical method and physicochemical-biochemical method, and the advantage of them. Physicochemical method mainly includes Fenton oxidation, ferrous sulfate coagulation method. Physicochemical-biochemical method mainly refers to the synergy effects of ferrous sulfate coagulation method and ABR reaction pond.Fenton oxidation process treats with printing and dyeing wastewater, when hydrogen peroxide and ferrous sulfate’s Moore dosing ratio (n (H2O2)/n (Fe2+)) is between 5-10, H2O2 dosage is between 1.3-2.5 mmol/L, reaction time is between 20-30 min, initial pH is between 3-5, the COD removal rate can stabilize in below 40 percent, and the B/C can be improve to 0.3 above. In this operation condition, this reaction can both reduce COD load in a small degree for the subsequent processing, and improve B/C to 0.3 above.Ferrous sulfate coagulation method processes printing and dyeing wastewater, when ferrous sulfate dosage is 500mg/L, initial pH is 10, reaction time is 5min, adjusting pH to 10, precipitation time is 60min, the ratio of B/C basic maintaining at 0.3 above, and the preprocessing COD removal rate would below 40 percent.Through technology and economic comparison, this study thinks ferrous sulfate coagulation process is more suitable for preprocessing section, and selects ferrous sulfate coagulation process as the main technology for pilot test.In the pilot test with ferrous sulfate method running separately, no pH value adjustment, ensuring precipitation time 60min, ferrous sulfate dosage is 300ppm,400ppm, 500ppm, B/C then can ascend to 0.18-0.33, and for COD removal rate 20% to 30%.The treatment results of physicochemical-biochemical method are in better shape than both run separately.The study is the research project of the subproject(the study on spot informantion survey and sewage farm pretreatment technology) of the major science and technology project on national water body pollution control and treatment(the study on water environment management technology in water town and integrated demonstration) during 11th Five-year plan. (subproject:No.2008ZX07313-006-02)
