

The Research on Gefalligkeiten

【作者】 毕作成

【导师】 刘保玉;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 好意施惠又称情谊行为,是指一方基于良好友善的动机向对方无偿提供一定财物或者服务的行为。它彰显着助人为乐的良好品质,有利于增进人们之间的感情,促进社会和谐发展,是道德、伦理、宗教等社会规范提倡和鼓励的行为。然而好施惠行为过程中发生纠纷的情形并不罕见,尤其在施惠人导致受惠人损害的情况下,一方面,施惠行为乃施惠人出于好意而为,对自身并无利益可言,倘若法律要求其承担全部责任,未免显得过于严苛,有失公平;另一方面,受惠人虽然接受了施惠人的帮助,但并不意味着其放弃了获得损害陪偿的权利,法律理应对此予以保护。那么,如何在两者间进行平衡,既能充分保护受惠人的人身和财产权利,又能顾及施惠人的良好动机,维护法律的公平与正义,就显得十分重要。由于我国法律法规未对好意施惠相关问题作出明确规定,学界对好意施惠的界定也存有争议,这对进一步分析好意施惠引致损害的责任承担问题造成很大障碍。本文将对好意施惠行为概念、特征进行概括总结并对其行为性质、判断标准进行比较分析,在此基础上,进一步研究好意施惠引致纠纷的处理方式及施惠人侵权责任的减轻问题。本文通过借鉴国外的理论和判例并参照国内已有的研究成果,运用了综合比较、经济分析、利益衡量等多种研究方法。除引言和结语外,本文共分为四个部分。第一部分是好意施惠概述,从国内外文献资料关于好意施惠的记载入手,对好意施惠的概念、特征、类型及划分标准作了简要介绍;第二部分是好意施惠行为的性质,此部分重点分析了学界关于好意施惠性质认定的各种观点,并将好意施惠与相类似的行为进行比较,进而明确好意施惠行为乃不受法律约束之社会层面上的行为;第三部分是好意施惠行为的判断标准,主要介绍了主观与客观标准,同时指出主观标准的不足之处,并给出了几项具体的客观判断标准,为进一步分析好意施惠致害问题奠定基础;第四部分是好意施惠引致纠纷的处理方式,本部分对好意施惠纠纷进行了分类,以好意施惠行为致害引发的纠纷为重点,通过多角度综合分析后,笔者认为应根据公平原则,对好意施惠关系中施惠人的侵权责任予以适当减轻、缓和。

【Abstract】 Gefalligkeiten is also called friendship behavior. It is a kind of action that one party provides property or service to the other party for free out of good motives and friendliness. It can reveal one’s good character of willingness to help. Since it can strengthen the friendly relationship between people and accelerate the harmonious development of the society, it is advocated and encouraged by social norms such as morality, ethics and religion.However, the situation of disputes happened during the process of Gefalligkeiten is not rare. Especially under the condition that the party of giving help causes the party of receiving help to suffer damage, on one hand, the act of giving help is out of good willingness and this party can not benefit from the act. If the law requires the party of giving help to undertake all the responsibilities, it would be too harsh and unfair, and on the other hand, although the other party receives the help, it does not mean that he/she agrees to abdicate the right to claim damage. So it becomes very important to balance the two sides, which means to fully protect the favored party’s personal and property right and take the good motives of the party of giving help into consideration as well.The law and regulations of our country has not made clear regulations on the relevant issues of Gefalligkeiten and there is a controversy over the definition of Gefalligkeiten in the academic world. These block the way of further analysis of the responsibility undertaking issue of damage caused by Gefalligkeiten. This paper will summarize the concept and characteristics of Gefalligkeiten and analyze its nature and judgement standard. Based on this, the paper will make further research on the treatment of disputes caused by Gefalligkeiten, state the mitigation of tort liability from different angles and finally come to a definite conclusion. By using foreign theories and cases as reference and consulting the existed domestic research results, this paper adopts many research methods such as comprehensive comparison, economic analysis and interest measurement.This paper has four parts. The first part is Overview on Gefalligkeiten. It gives a brief introduction on the concept, characteristics, types and judgement standard of Gefalligkeiten by referring to the records in domestic and foreign documentations. The second part is Characteristics of Gefalligkeiten. This part stresses on the analysis of various points of view in the academic world on the determination of Gefalligkeiten’s characteristics and defines the characteristics of Gefalligkeiten by compraring Gefalligkeiten and other similar acts. The third part, Judgement Standard of Gefalligkeiten, mainly states the subjective and objective standards on judging Gefalligkeiten to lay the foundation for further analysis of the liability issue. The fourth part is Treatment of Disputes Caused by Gefalligkeiten. It claasifies the types of Gefalligkeiten disputes and focuses on the disputes on damage caused by Gefalligkeiten. After multi-angle comprehensive analysis, the author takes the view that in Gefalligkeiten, the tort liability of the party that gives help should be mitigated appropriately.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】252