

Treatment of Ringworm Treatment Blood Dry Wind Clinical Study of Psoriasis

【作者】 于沛仙

【导师】 景瑛;

【作者基本信息】 长春中医药大学 , 中医外科学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:观察中药冲剂治癣颗粒治疗风热血燥型银屑病的临床疗效,并从理论和临床研究两个方面系统探讨中药冲剂治癣颗粒治疗风热血燥型银屑病的机理。方法:临床上选择符合纳入研究标准的风热血燥型银屑病患者共计70例,将他们随机分成两组,治疗组采用本院治疗银屑病常用的中药冲剂治癣颗粒(当归、桑白皮、苦参、地肤子、蝉蜕、生地、蒺藜、石膏、牡丹皮、苍耳子、蛇床子、乌梢蛇、白芍、菊花、白鲜皮等),长春中医药大学附属医院(吉林省中医院)制剂中心,批号:长卫药制字(96)1408,每次成人10g×1袋,一日3次,温开水冲服;对照组给予“自拟消银冲剂”(生地、丹皮、忍冬藤、地榆、水牛角、白鲜皮、玄参、蒲公英、生槐花),上药各2袋(免煎颗粒),每次1袋,一日3次,水冲服。观察两组的临床疗效,以1个月作为一个疗程,并持续观察2个疗程。结果:临床研究结果显示:治疗组的总有效率为88.6%,对照组的总有效率为65.7%,治疗组的总有效率明显优于对照组的总有效率,将临床结果经统计学分析,(P <0.01),有显著性差异。治疗组能明显改善鳞屑厚度,红斑颜色,瘙痒程度等症状,且总病灶数明显减少。结论:中药冲剂治癣颗粒是治疗风热血燥型银屑病的安全有效的药物。

【Abstract】 Purpose: To observe the effect of granule Treatment of ringworm treatment blood dry wind clinical effect of psoriasis, and from both theoretical and clinical research of traditional Chinese medicine granules treatment system Treatment of psoriasis psoriasis dry wind the mechanism of blood.Method: Clinical studies met the inclusion criteria to select the wind dry blood total of 70 patients with psoriasis, their randomly divided into two groups, treatment group were commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine hospital treatment of psoriasis treatment psoriasis granule particles (Angelica, white mulberry skin, flavescens, Kochia scoparia, cicada, habitat, Tribulus terrestris, plaster, tree peony bark, fruit, Cnidium, black snake, white peony, chrysanthemum, fresh white skin, etc.), University Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Changchun (Jilin Provincial Hospital) Preparation Center, Lot: Long Wei pharmacists word (96) 1408, every adult 10g×1 bag, 3 times a day, warm boiled water; control group given "self consumption of silver granules" (habitat, paeonol, Caulis Lonicerae, Burnet, buffalo horn, fresh white skin, Scrophulariaceae, dandelion, raw Sophora japonica), the drug of the 2 bags (to avoid fried particles), each 1 bag 3 times a day, the water flushes the clothing. Clinical efficacy were observed in 1 month as a course of treatment, and continued to observe the 2 courses.Result: The clinical results showed that: The total effective rate in treatment group 88.6%, control group, the total effective rate was 65.7%, total effective rate in treatment group than the control group’s total efficiency, the statistical analysis of clinical results , (P <0.01), there are significant differences. Treatment can significantly improve the scales thickness, erythema color, degree of itching and other symptoms, and the total number of lesions decreased significantly.Conclusion: The treatment ringworm medicine granules blood dry wind particles psoriasis treatment safe and effective drug.

  • 【分类号】R285
  • 【下载频次】89