

The Research of Migrating Instance’s Security Migrating Plan in Migrating Workflow System

【作者】 李浩

【导师】 韩芳溪;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,迁移工作流(Migrating Workflow)成为了工作流管理研究的一个新方向。基于移动计算的迁移工作流包含三个要素:工作流引擎、工作位置和迁移实例。工作流引擎定义工作流过程,生成迁移实例和协调多迁移实例等工作;工作位置为迁移实例提供服务,管理工作流网络,是迁移实例运行的场所;迁移实例是工作流任务的执行主体,能够在各个工作位置之间进行迁移,利用本地资源执行一项或多项任务,在迁移工作流系统中,迁移实例是以移动Agent为范型构建的。工作流任务依照业务的复杂程度被分配给一个或几个迁移实例来执行,迁移实例根据任务说明书在工作位置之间规划线路进行迁移来完成任务。迁移实例作为工作流任务的执行主体,必须选择合适的工作位置进行迁移来执行任务,快速、有效、安全的完成用户指定的目标。因此,为迁移实例规划一条合适的迁移路线或者一个迁移目标也是迁移工作流系统研究中的一个重要问题。根据迁移工作流的概念模型和系统框架,本文基于免疫算法对迁移实例的迁移规划进行了研究,并且将安全因素也作为规划研究的一个重要参数之一,提出了迁移实例的安全迁移规划方法。该方法首先在迁移工作流系统中,为迁移实例增加了免疫规划模块,并利用免疫算法将迁移实例所携带任务的服务需求和安全需求编码为抗原,将工作位置所能提供的服务信息和安全性能编码为抗体,模拟免疫系统的匹配过程从而动态的规划出迁移实例的迁移路线。随后本文又给出了抗原和抗体亲和度的计算方法,抗体的演化过程,以及具体的免疫算法步骤和流程。论文首先对免疫算法、迁移规划和移动Agent的安全知识进行了概述,然后介绍了工作流、移动Agent技术以及迁移工作流等基础知识;而后提出了迁移实例的安全迁移规划模块,最后给出了基于免疫算法的迁移实例的安全迁移规划算法,并根据免疫算法设计了抗原和抗体编码。最后本文对该算法进行了仿真实验,实验结果表明该算法使迁移实例在迁移过程中有效的避开了恶意主机,使迁移实例的被攻击率大大降低,保护了迁移实例的安全。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the migrating workflow has become a new study direction of the workflow management. The migrating workflow based on mobile computing paradigm consists of three elements:workflow management engine, workstation and migrating instance. The workflow management engine defines workflow process, generates migrating instance and coordinates migrating instances’tasks. The workstation provides services for migrating instances and manages workflow network. It is the place of migrating instance to run. The migrating instance executes the workflow’s tasks, which can migrate within various workstations and use local resources to finish one or more tasks. In the migrating workflow system, migrating instance is built based on mobile agent paradigm. According to the complexity of the business, the tasks of workflow will be assigned to one or more migrating instances to execute. And migrating instance will plan a route for migrating within workstations to complete the tasks.Migrating instance, as the implementation of workflow tasks, must select a suitable workstation for migrating and performing the task with the user-specified target:fast, effective and safe. Therefore, a suitable migrating path or target is an important issue in migrating workflow system.According to the concept of migrating workflow model and system framework, this paper presents an algorithm of migrating instance’s plan of security migration, which is based on immune algorithm and puts security factors as one important parameter for migrating plan.The algorithm adds the module of immune plan in the migrating workflow system, and encodes migrating instance’s needs and security requirements as antigen and work location of service information and security as antibody, and simulates the matching process of the immune system in order to get the migration routes dynamically. Then this paper gives the calculation method of affinity for antigen and antibody, the evolution of antibodies and the specific steps of immune algorithm.As the beginning, this paper outlines the knowledge of immune algorithm, security migrating plan and security of mobile agent. And then, it introduces the workflow, mobile agent and migrating workflow. Next, the immune algorithm of security migrating is proposed, and the encoding of antigen and antibody are designed. Finally, a simulated experiment will be given which show that the algorithm effectively avoids the malicious host, significantly reduces the probability of migrating instance attacked and enhance the security of migrating instance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期