

The Application of Lexical Approach to Intermediate Chinese Reading Teaching

【作者】 王建彬

【导师】 宁继鸣;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 汉语国际教育, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 阅读课是对外汉语教学中的一门基础课程,同时也是一门汉语言技能课。留学生进入中级阶段学习后,面临大量的生词和阅读任务,必须掌握一种有效的阅读技巧才能保证阅读任务的顺利完成。在阅读教学中,不少教师采用了各种各样的教学方法,学生也花费了大量的时间背诵单词、研究语法,但最终所取得的效果却并不如预期。基于此,笔者通过实验的形式尝试将词块教学应用于对外汉语中级阅读的教学,来验证其是否能够促进学生阅读能力的提升。20世纪90年代以来,在基于应用目的的外语教学的大背景下,词块教学法悄然兴起,吸引着愈来愈多的研究者的关注。词块教学法以词块的识别、构建为基础,打破传统教学中以语法为中心的教学格局,集合结构教学法和交际教学法的特点,在听、说、读、写等各方面的教学中凸显出其优势。本文借鉴国内外有关词块和阅读教学的研究成果,将词块教学法用于中级阶段留学生的对外汉语阅读教学中。为了证明词块教学法在汉语阅读教学中的有效性及可行性,笔者设计了教学实验加以验证。实验中选取两个中级班留学生作为实验对象,进行为期三个月的教学实验。其中一个班为实验班,运用词块教学法教学;另一个班为对照班,沿用传统的阅读教学法教学。教学实验后,在两个班的学生中进行有关阅读和词块的问卷调查。采集实验前后四次测试的成绩以及问卷调查的结果,应用SPSS 17.0进行统计分析。实验结果表明:1)词块教学法可以有效提高中级阶段留学生的阅读能力。通过不同阶段实验后两个班成绩的对比表明,实验班的阅读成绩明显优于控制班的学生。2)词块教学法可以有效地激发学生的阅读兴趣,增强学生阅读的信心,提高阅读的动机。通过问卷数据的分析看出,实验班的学生在实验期间所习得的词块学习策略更好地激发了学生自主阅读的渴望。

【Abstract】 Reading is a foundation course in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language(TCFL). Meanwhile, it is a course involving in Chinese language skills. After entering the intermediate-level study, overseas students will be confronted with a plenty of new words and reading assignments, therefore, it is rather necessary for them to master an effective reading skill to ensure the accomplishment of reading. In reading teaching, many teachers have adopted various teaching methods and students have spent lots of time in remembering new words and studying grammatical rules. However, the effect being achieved still cannot live up to their expectations. On considering such situation, this thesis attempts to apply the "lexical approach" to reading teaching for oversea students with an intermediate level, thus to confirm whether lexical approach can promote the students’ reading competence.Since 1990s, under the general background that foreign language teaching should target at developing students’ pragmatic competence, lexical approach springs up quietly. Based on the recognition and foundation of lexical chunks, lexical approach distinguishes itself from the traditional grammar-centered language teaching mode. It gathers the advantages of grammar-teaching theories and communicative- competence theories, demonstrates its superiority in language listening, speaking, reading and writingBy taking examples of both domestic and overseas research findings on lexical chunks and reading teaching, the writer attempts to apply lexical approach to reading teaching among the overseas students with intermediate level. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of lexical approach in reading teaching, a three months’ long teaching experiment has been done among overseas students from two intact classes which are labeled as controlled class and experimental class. The experimental group will be taught with lexical approach, while the controlled group will be taught with the traditional teaching method. After the experiment, there was a questionnaire survey conducted among all the students involved. All the data recorded from the four tests and the questionnaire were typed into computer and analyzed with SPSS17.0.The analytical results proves that:1) Lexical approach can effectively improve the students reading competence. Through the comparison of the tests results in different periods, the performance of experimental class is far better than that of controlled class.2) Lexical approach can effectively stimulate students’ interest to read, enhance their confidence in reading, and promote their motivation to read. Through the statistical analysis of the questionnaire, it is not difficult to see that the lexical chunks learning strategy acquired by the students in experimental class during the experiment has greatly stimulated their desire of self-study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】511