

Sheng Jing Electuary Influence on Seminal Parameters of Subclinical Varicocete Infertility

【作者】 袁海军

【导师】 安立文;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江中医药大学 , 中医学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:观察研究生精冲剂临床治疗亚临床精索静脉曲张所致男性不育症的疗效,探讨其机制,为此病的治疗探索新途径方法:所选病例均来源于2009年3月至2010年5月黑龙江中医药大学附属第一医院泌外科收治的门诊患者,选取资料完整者,共60例,分为治疗组30例和对照组30例。治疗组口服生精冲剂,每次1袋(含生药15g),每日3次水冲服,连服3个月;对照组给予五子衍宗丸口服,一次15 g,一日2次,连服3个月。评价生精冲剂、五子衍宗丸对亚临床精索静脉曲张不育症的疗效及对精液参数的影响。统计学分析:计数资料用(?)±S检验,计量资料应用SPSS for windows13.0软件包分析数据,计数资料用卡方检验,两组资料对照采用t检验。结果:1、经三个月的治疗,治疗组总有效率83.33%;对照组总有效率66.67%,两组疗效比较有差异性(p<0.05),治疗组优于对照组2、治疗前后精液参数比较,治疗组治疗后精液密度,a级与a+b级精子活率,总活率,畸形率等优于治疗前,疗后两组比较有差异(p<0.05),治疗组优于对照组。结论:亚临床精索静脉曲张影响了精子的正常发育及成熟,对男性生殖功能产生不良影响。生精冲剂能明显提高精子的密度、活力等,改善精液质量。说明生精冲剂具有良好的益肾生精,补气滋血活血作用,对亚临床精索静脉曲张导致的不育症有良好的治疗作用

【Abstract】 Objective:To observe the clinical effect of ShengJing Electuary on the disease of Subclinical Varicocele Infertility,to probe its mechanism of action.Methods:the cases were selected from March 2009-May 2010 Heilongjiang University of Chinises Medicine First Affiliated Hospital of urology surgery outpatients,60 complte data outpatients of subclinical varicocele infertility were chosen, and divided randomly into treatment group(n=30)and control group(n=30). The treatment group was given ShengJing Electuary,each one pocketful three times a day The control group was given; Wuziyanzong pill, Each 15g and twice a day。The both groups were treated for three moths.The clinical efficacy of the two groups were observed and their effects on the seminal parameters. Statistical methods:statistical alalysis was performed using SPSS for windows 13.0 software. The results were represented as mean±s, and comprarision of means were carried out by one way ANOVY-Dunnett’s test.Results:1. Comparison of angina before and after treatment to improve the situation:in treatment group is 83.33%, the Control group is 66.67%, the significant difference (P<0.05);2. Seminal parameters before and after treatment compared: After treatment than before treatment, After treatment between the two groups, The difference was not statistically significant (P< 0.05).Conclusion:The Chinese herbal formula "ShengJing Electuary" "has fine benefit in promoting sperm concentration, sperm motility rate, and reduce the rate of teratoerm. It has better treatment to Subclinical Varicocele Infertility.
