

Study on Development and Stability Mechanism of Hempmilk

【作者】 周超进

【导师】 何锦风; 蒲彪;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 农产品加工及贮藏工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 汉麻蛋白饮料在生产和贮藏过程中会出现蛋白质沉淀和脂肪上浮等问题,对产品的质量和稳定性有很大的影响。本研究以广西巴马地区汉麻仁为主要原料制作汉麻蛋白饮料,确定了能有效控制产品稳定性的添加剂配方,并对饮料的贮藏稳定性进行了研究。本文主要研究内容包括以下3个方面:研究了汉麻蛋白饮料的加工工艺。以氮溶指数为指标,通过正交实验确定了汉麻蛋白饮料的最佳浸泡和磨浆工艺为:室温下0.5%NaHCO3溶液浸泡2h,磨浆4次。以离心沉淀率和氮溶指数为指标确定饮料的最佳均质条件为:预热至60℃,25MPa均质两次。以感官得分,离心沉淀率和菌落总数为指标确定饮料的最佳杀菌条件为:121℃杀菌10min。研究了能有效控制产品稳定性的添加剂配方。以感官评分及离心沉淀率为指标,研究了糖添加量对饮料稳定性的影响,确定了饮料生产中白砂糖的添加量为6%。以离心沉淀率和pH为指标,对磷酸二氢钠、三聚磷酸钠、焦磷酸钠、六偏磷酸钠和磷酸氢二钠等品质改良剂对汉麻蛋白饮料稳定性的影响进行了研究。确定了饮料的最适品质改良剂为六偏磷酸钠,添加量为0.06%。以离心沉淀率和产品状态得分为指标,研究了增稠剂对饮料稳定性的影响,通过单因素实验和正交实验确定了饮料的最优增稠剂配方。阿拉伯胶,卡拉胶和微晶纤维素添加量分别为0.08%、0.12%和0.12%。以乳化性和透光率为指标,研究了乳化剂对饮料稳定性的影响,确定了饮料中乳化剂的最适HLB值为8.28;汉麻蛋白饮料复配乳化剂配方:单苷酯:蔗糖酯=3:2,添加量0.1%。研究了汉麻蛋白饮料在贮藏期间的贮藏稳定性。通过优化的工艺最后得到的汉麻蛋白饮料营养成分如下:总固形物为9.5%,其中蛋白质占2.1%,粗脂肪占2.6%,pH7.04,粘度102mpa.s,平均粒径3.644μm。产品在37℃下贮藏56天,物理稳定性良好,略有分层、脂肪上浮等现象,pH、粒径分布、粘度、离心沉淀率变化不大。

【Abstract】 Hemp is a high-quality and low-cost protein resource. During the processing and storage period, some kind of quality problems are existed in hempmilk such as protein precipitation, fat floating. In this research, a nutritious and delicious hempmilk by hemp from bama was developed, and its storage stability was studied.The main sections in this study are as follows:The processing of hempmilk was studied. Soaking and grinding paste parameters of the hempmilk had been studied by NSI. The optimum process was as followed:0.5% NaHCO3, soaking time 2h, and grind it at room temperature for four times. The optimized homogenizeing condition was determined with the centrifugal precipitation coefficient and NSI:preheated to 60℃, homogenized 25MPa twice. It was sterilized at 121℃for 10min as the optimized sterilization condition.The influence of sugar on hempmilk stability was studied by the indexes of sensory grading and the centrifugal precipitation coefficient. And the suitable addition was 6%. The influence of quality improver on hempmilk stability was studied. The addition of sodium hexameta phosphate in hempmilk beverage was 0.06%. The influence of thickener on hempmilk beverage stability was studied by indexs of sensory grading and the centrifugal precipitation test. The proper formula of hempmilk was got by single factor experiment and orthogonal designs. Hempmilk beverage:the addition of Carrageen, Arabic gum and MCC is 0.08%,0.12% and 0.12% respectively. The influence of emulsifier on hempmilk beverage stability was studied by indexes of SR% and the transmission test. The optimum HLB value of emulsifier in beverages is 8.28; the proper formula of emulsifier in hempmilk:HP-C 60%+SE 40%, the suitable addition is 0.1%.Finally, the hempmilk’s ingredient was:9.52% total solid,2.1% protein,2.6% crude fat. pH of it was 7.04, the viscosity and particle diameter were 102 mpa.s and 3.644μm respectively. After storage at 37℃for 56 days, the hempmilk beverage presented a physical stability, had a slight impact of delamination and fat floating. Particle size distribution, viscosity, pH, centrifugal sedimentation didn’t change significantly.
