

The Empirical Research on Psychotherapy Prevention of Internet Addiction Disorder among College Student

【作者】 张卓颖

【导师】 欧居湖;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 网络成瘾是随着网络的飞速发展和普及而产生的个体在网络使用中,过度沉醉于网络中储存的虚拟的交互式经验和信息,长期和现实社会脱离,从而引发生理机能、社会功能、心理功能受损的一种过度行为。自上世纪90年代末起,网络成瘾现象越来越受到人们的关注,并成为近年来心理学、临床医学和社会学研究的热点问题。正处于身心发展中的大学生,具有求知欲旺盛、好奇心强、喜欢追求时尚,自控能力弱、人生观与价值观尚未形成的特点,其学习与健康发展的重要性与必要性决定了大学生网络成瘾研究具有更为重要的理论价值与实践价值。同时也为思想政治教育工作提出了新的课题。本论文以四川农业大学在校学生为研究对象,采用团体咨询、单独访谈、个案研究等形式,进行了临床实验和数据测量。首先对4名不同网络成瘾水平大学生被试进行了6次的临床心理干预实验与观察,在此研究的基础上,依据学生个性化特点,同时又对其中1名网络成瘾的大学生进行了个案实验研究。采用团体咨询与个案研究相结合的方式,验证干预方案的有效性。同时也有利于发现代表性的案例和建立完整的干预体系。对大学生上网行为及网络成瘾现象进行研究,旨在了解大学生网络使用的特征,找出导致大学生网络成瘾的心理生理机制,并验证治疗网络成瘾的心理干预方法的可行性和有效性。本研究所提出的“三阶段四因素”干预模型和“阅读情绪疗法”结合了网络成瘾大学生的在校学习生活情境,利用大学图书馆的便利设施,具有易操作的特点。并经过实践检验表明可以明显缓解网络成瘾大学生的网瘾症状及促进他们整体心理健康水平的提高,帮助他们逐渐摆脱网络成瘾的困扰,使其回复到正常的学习生活中来。最后对在校大学生网络成瘾的预防及干预的对策进行了整体讨论。为高校建立大学生网络成瘾防治体系提出建议。对各高校有借鉴作用,为我国构建和谐社会提供人力资源保障。

【Abstract】 Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD), is a kind of addicting behavior accompanying the development and popularization of Internet. Individuals with IAD are addicted in virtual mutual experience and information, and isolated of the society. Individuals with IAD are characterized as disorder in physical enginery, social function, and psychological function. Internet addiction disorder cached more and more attention, and became a research focus in psychology, clinical medicine, and sociology since the 1990s. College students have strong cognitive curiosity. They favor fashion, but have weak self-control. They philosophy and values are under formation. The importance and necessary of college students’healthy development determines that the research on college students with IAD has considerable、academic and practical worth. At the same time, it also posed a new subject for ideological and political education.In this paper, the object is college students in Sichuan agricultural University. using group counseling, individual interviews, case study another forms, measured the experimental and clinical data. In the first, do an experiment of 6 times by four college students of different levels. The intervention and observation based on the personality characteristics of students, then, do a case study of college students with Internet Addiction. Use study way of the group consultation and individual interviews to validate the effectiveness of intervention plans. This way also helps to find the most representative case and the establishment of a complete system of interference.The study of college student with Internet Addiction, in order to understand the characteristics of Internet Addiction and psychological and physiology mechanism of Internet Addiction, to verify the effectiveness and practicability of the method. The "three stages of the four elements" model and "read-mind therapy" posed by our study combined study life situations of the internet addiction students in the school to, made use of the university library facilities, have operability feature. Through practice shows that the method could significantly relief internet addiction symptoms and enhance their overall level of mental health, thus help them out of the Internet Addiction, back to the normal life. At the end of article, we discussed the prevention and intervention policy for the school students with internet addiction a whole. Gave some advises to universities to built the system of prevention and control internet addiction. So universities could prevent and control internet addiction pertinently and effectively, to provide protection of human resources for our harmonious society.

  • 【分类号】G647;G444
  • 【下载频次】370