

Research on Circulatory Economic Mode of Edible Fungus Industry in Sichuan Province

【作者】 姜庆

【导师】 吴秀敏;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 产业经济学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是世界上最大的食用菌生产国和出口国,食用菌产业已成为继粮、棉、油、果、菜之后的第六大类种植业。然而,随着食用菌生产规模的不断扩大,生产者为了追求短期经济效益,大量砍伐森林,破坏森林植被,甚至引起各种自然灾害,反而抑制了食用菌产业的发展。食用菌产业要获得可持续发展,就必须用循环经济的理念指导食用菌生产,解决其在发展过程中出现的经济负外部性问题,因此食用菌循环经济模式便应运而生,而食用菌的这些模式在实际应用中有何局限性,还能够在哪些方面进行改进,这是目前研究食用菌产业循环经济模式需要解决的问题。本研究应用循环经济学、产业经济学等学科知识,针对四川食用菌产业发展现状,有选择地分析、比较现有的食用菌产业循环经济模式及其发展规律,研究模式现状及问题,从博弈论的角度分析了循环经济模式中各行为主体之间的关系,通过具体的模式案例分析,探讨了制约模式发展的原因,总结出四川省食用菌产业在循环经济发展中面临的问题,并提出了相应的政策建议。本文认为,目前四川食用菌循环经济模式有菌渣直接利用模式、菌渣再利用模式和用菌渣制造新能源、新材料模式等。存在的问题主要为模式较为简单,应用范围较窄,处理能力受市场需求限制和模式推广的普适性较差。究其原因,主要是各地政府对发展食用菌产业循环经济模式的重视程度不够,没有建立与之对应的技术支撑体系和标准体系,还缺乏相应的扶持政策。为了进一步完善食用菌产业的循环经济模式,政府应该更加重视循环经济模式的推广,在食用菌生产者中大力宣传循环经济的理念,倡导产前、产中、产后按照“3R”原则进行生产。同时政府与科研单位要加强食用菌循环技术的研发和推广,不断创新开发出新的模式,从而延长食用菌产业链,提高产业可持续发展能力。要扩大食用菌循环经济模式的应用范围,并制定促进食用菌循环发展的扶持政策。

【Abstract】 China is the largest producer and exporter of edible fungus in the world, edible fungi industry has become the sixth-largest planting industry following the grain, cotton, oil, fruit, and vegetable in China. However, with the continuous expansion of edible fungi production, the producers in order to pursue short-term economic benefits, felling large-scale of forests, destroying forest cover, even leading to a variety of natural disasters. Some production areas use a large number of agriculture and forest waste as a bacteria-based for reducing the consumption of forest resources and the environmental pollution by crop straw and tree branches, but a great quantity of bacteria slag and plastic packet can not be processed after production.In order to achieve sustainable development in edible fungi industry, we must use the guidance of circular economy to edible fungi production,.and solve the Negative economic externalities. So the edible fungi circular economy mode comes into being.What the limitations of these modes in the practical application and what areas can also be improved is the edible fungi industry mode of circular economy research problem to be solved.In this study, circular economics, industry economics and other disciplines of knowledge are used to selectivly analysis and comparison of existing edible fungi circular economy mode and the development of circular economy law, status and problems of models. From the perspective of game theory model of circular economy in the relationship between the various actors, through case studies of specific models to explore the reasons for restricting the mode of development, summed up the edible fungi industry in Sichuan Province in the loop problems of economic development, And give the corresponding policy recommendations. This paper argues that, at present there are edible fungi slag direct used mode, edible fungi slag reused mode, fungi dregs-new material\energy mode in the edible fungi circulatory economic modes of Sichuan. The cyclic modes are simply, small application, There are edible fungi slag direct used mode, edible fungi slag reused mode, fungi dregs-new material\energy mode etc in the edible fungi circulatory economic mode of Sichuan. The main problems for the mode is more simple and narrow the scope of application, subject to market demand for processing capacity limitations and the promotion of the universal model is poor. The local governments in Sichuan have some knowledge of the importance of edible fungi industry circular economy mode, but not enough emphasis, There is still not established the corresponding technical support system and uniform standard system in Sichuan province, and stil lack of appropriate support policies.In order to further improve the edible fungi industry mode of circular economy, the Government should pay more attention to the promotion of circular economy, vigorously promote the edible fungi producers in the concept of circular economy, and advocate before, during, and post in accordance with the "3R" principle of production. At the same time the government and research institutes must strengthen the edible fungi cycle technology development and promotion, and constantly develop new models of innovation, thus prolonging the edible fungi industry chain, and improve industry capacity for sustainable development. Mushroom industry should pay attention to the science park planning, scientific and rational planning the layout of edible fungi industry to expand the application of edible range of recycling economy and promote development of policies supporting the development of edible fungi cycle.

【关键词】 食用菌循环经济模式博弈
【Key words】 Edible funguscirculation economicmodegame theory
  • 【分类号】F326.13
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】481