

Study on the Synergetic Development of the Primary Industry and the Tertiary Industry of Dujiangyan City

【作者】 鄢福惠

【导师】 杨启智;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 产业经济学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 三次产业协同发展是我国在遵循产业结构演进规律基础上、经济发展方式发生转变的重要手段。但由于都江堰市是成都市的重要水源地、是重要的生态保护区,具有丰富的旅游资源,该区域工业发展相对稳定,从2003年以来的数据也强有力地说明了这一事实。协同发展一三产业是都江堰市政府的重要任务,对于有效解决都江堰市“三农”问题,推动都江堰市的社会经济发展具有重要意义。在都江堰市实际经济发展中,其一三产业协同如何评价,影响协同的最重要因素是什么,政策如何更具有针对性等等问题都没有得到解决,亟需从理论上对上述问题给予回答,本文致力于对这些问题的深入研究。本文通过对都江堰市一三产业的现状进行分析,运用协同学的基本原理,采取了实证分析的方法,把一三产业看成一个大的整体产业复合系统,分别把第一产业和第三产业看成整体系统中的产业子系统,构建一三产业复合系统的协同程度的指标,运用系统协同度模型分析了一三产业在发展过程中的协同程度,根据分析出的协同度,运用灰色关联模型,计算出每个指标和协同度的关联度,根据计算结果分析找出影响都江堰市一三产业协同度的主要因素。分析发现,农业产业内部发展不平衡,就业结构不合理,消费比例失调和资金投向不合理是影响一三产业协同发展的主要因素,分析的最终目的是从主要影响因素分析中寻找政策依据,期望能为政府寻找到推动一三产业协同发展的切入点。通过主要影响因素的分析,本文提出了都江堰市一三产业协同发展如下的对策建议:第一,发挥产业比较优势,走特色产业之路,推进农业产业化;第二,坚持以人为本,高度重视农民与农业的弱势,改善就业结构;第三,转变消费观念,改进消费结构;第四优化投资结构,强化主导产业。

【Abstract】 Synergetic development of three industries in our country which follow the evolution of industrial structure based on the law, changes in the way of economic development is an important tool. However, Dujiangyan City, is an important water source for Chengdu, it is an important conservation area which rich in tourism resources, the industrial development in this region is relatively stable, the data also strongly illustrates this fact since 2003. Synergetic development of the Primary Industry and the Tertiary industry is an important task in Dujiangyan city,,it is an effective solution to the Dujiangyan City "three rural" issue, and it is great significance to promote social and economic development of the city of Dujiangyan. Real economic development in Dujiangyan City in one of three industry collaboration to evaluate the most important factor of cooperation what is more focused on how policy issues are not resolved, etc., need to give theoretical answers to the above questions, This paper is committed to further research on these issues. The analysis final goal is seeks for the policy basis from the major effect factor analysis, expected that can seek for the breakthrough point for the government to promotes Primary Industry and the Tertiary industry coordination development.Based on the Primary Industry and the Tertiary industry current situation of Dujiangyan City, the use of the basic principles of collaboration, to take an empirical analysis, take Primary Industry and the Tertiary industry as a whole industrial complex of a large system, view the primary industry and tertiary industry as one system in a whole sub-system, build Primary Industry and the Tertiary industry complex system of coordination as an indicator, the use of the system model of collaborative degree and tertiary industries in the development of a collaborative process of the degree of synergy based on analysis of the degree of gray relational analysis to identify three industries Dujiangyan City, According to coordination which analyzes, the utilization gray connection model, calculates each target and the coordination interrelatedness. discovers according to the computed result analysis affects the Dujiangyan Primary Industry and the Tertiary industry coordination primary factor. The analysis discovered that the agricultural industry internal development is not balanced, the structure of employment is unreasonable, expends the imbalance and the fund goes to unreasonable is the primary factor which affects Primary Industry and the Tertiary industry coordination development.Through the analysis of the main factors, this paper presents Dujiangyan City, a collaborative development of Primary Industry and the Tertiary industry in the following countermeasures and suggestions:First, play to Comparative Advantage, and take the road of special industries, promote agricultural industrialization; Second, people-oriented, attached great importance to farmers And the weak agriculture, improve the employment structure; third, changing consumer attitudes, improve consumption structure; fourth optimize the investment structure, strengthen the leading industries.
