

Study on the Hospital Social Responsibility Evaluation Index System in China

【作者】 周春红

【导师】 申俊龙;

【作者基本信息】 南京中医药大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,伴随着医疗服务行业运用市场化手段进行改革,医院出现了片面追求经济利益,忽视自身社会责任的现象。“大处方”诱导需求、滥检查等现象屡见不鲜,医患纠纷不断出现。医院社会责任的缺失已经严重影响了我国医疗卫生事业的发展,医院的公益性不断受到质疑。目前,我国学术界还未形成关于医院社会责任的系统理论,如何科学地确立社会责任的评价指标体系,如何保证医院履行社会责任都是急需解决的问题。本文的核心问题是研究如何确定医院社会责任评价的指标体系。其中测量指标的选择主要运用文献研究法、问卷调查法、专家咨询法,指标权重的确定是采用层次分析法(AHP),并且通过SPSS软件及EXCEL对回收的问卷数据进行了处理,最终确定了22个医院社会责任测量指标及其权重,在此指标体系中赋予了初级和高级医院社会责任较大的权重。研究中还了解到,目前我国医院社会责任的履行情况并不乐观,尤其在药品价格、医疗服务可及性及患者满意度上表现较差。所以,政府部门应建立医院社会责任的评价考核机制,尤其是对公立医院要进行治理、补偿、监管和绩效考核等制度方面的设计,来保障医院社会责任的履行。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with reform in medical service by means of market mechanism, the following phenomenon was occurred in the hospital. The hospital pursuits economic interests unilaterally and ignores its social responsibility. "Great recipe" induces demand, excessive checks occur commonly. Doctor-patient disputes are on the rise. Absence of social responsibility of the hospital already has a serious impact on the development of medical and health services and public welfare of the hospitals is challenged constantly.At present, academic circle in our country has not formed systems theory of hospital’s social responsibility. All the following problems are urgent to solve, such as how to establish a scientifical evaluation index system and design a relevant mechanism to ensure the fulfillment of hospital social responsibility.Core issue of this paper is how to determine the measurement and evaluation index system of hospital social responsibility. The paper uses the literature study, questionnaire survey and expert consultation to determine the measurement index. AHP is used to determine the index weight. Through SPSS and excel software for data processing,22 indexes of hospital social responsibility are established, among which primary and advanced hospital social responsibility are given a greater weight. Studies have also learned that the current performance of the hospital social responsibility is not optimistic, especially in drug prices, health care accessibility and poor performance on patient satisfaction. Therefore, government should establish the hospital’s assessment and evaluation mechanism of social responsibility, especially for public hospitals to designe the governance, compensation, regulatory mechanism and other systems to ensure social responsibility.
