

Research on the Difficulty and the Solvement in Administrative Hearing System

【作者】 夏欢

【导师】 王学辉;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 “决策”,英文译作Decision-making,“决”是决定、决断;“策”是计策、计谋。当代的行政管理,在某种程度上可以说是“依法而治”;而行政决策对一个国家而言的重要性不言而喻。作为民主政治的产物,行政听证制度是现代行政程序法的核心内容,它为公民参与行政程序提供了一个重要的平台。随着我国市场经济的蓬勃发展,社会主义民主制度的逐渐完善,公民参政议政意识的不断提高,从90年代末开始,听证制度被引入了行政决策领域。听证程序在行政决策领域的推行,不但在一定程度上促进了行政决策的民主化、科学化,也良好的协调了我国在转型时期社会各阶层各领域的多元化利益,进一步改善官民关系,减少行政争议,提高公众对政府的信任度,树立政府的良好形象和威信。在引言部分,笔者首先阐述了听证的产生基础,对行政决策领域的听证进行研究的法律意义及现实意义。文章正文分为四个部分:在第一个部分,首先从行政决策听证制度的相关概念的分析和比较入手,对行政决策听证的内涵进行剖析,并初步引入行政决策听证制度的目标和价值。第二部分先阐述了美国的公众参与行政决策听证的理论的形成过程,对传统模式、“专家知识”模式、利益代表模式到利益代表模式的核心——公众参与模式的主要背景和理论成果进行了总结,然后对美国行政决策听证制度中的公众参与经验进行分析和借鉴。第三部分是对我国行政决策听证公众参与的现状进行评述,剖析我国行政决策听证制度的困境,从我国行政决策听证的基本制度规定出发到我国行政决策听证运行过程中渐渐暴露出的弊端进行思考。第四部分是以美国行政法中的公众参与模式为基础,以公众对行政决策的参与权为中心,通过借鉴美国行政决策听证中公众参与制度和实践的成熟经验,结合本国国情,提出我国行政决策听证制度的优化建议,以期达到提高我国行政决策听证水平的目的。

【Abstract】 Contemporary administration is executed according to law and rule, and the importance of administrative decision-making in a country is self-evident.As a product of democracy, the administrative hearing system, providing an important platform for citizens to participate in administrative procedure, plays a key role in the law on modern administrative procedure. With the vigorous development of China’s market economy, socialist democracy and awareness of public participation in politics improves, the hearing system was also introduced in administrative decision-making from the late 90s.The implementation of hearing process in the field of administrative decision-making, to a certain extent, not only promotes the decision-making more democratic and scientific, but also plays a function well in coordinating diversified interests of all sectors of society in the transitional period, improving relations between officials and the public, reducing administrative disputes, enhancing public trust in the government and establishing a good image and prestige of the government.In the introduction, the author describes the hearing coming from the West, which is of significance in the administrative decision-making study and actual life. The paper is composed of four parts. The first part analyzes and compares the relater concepts, then gives further analysis the meaning of the system and introduces the initial goals and values of the administrative decision-making hearing system. The second part elaborates the academic process of administrative decision-making hearing, coming from the United States, which admits the participation of the public and summarizes the traditional mode, expert knowledge mode, interest representation mode and the core of such-the main background of public participation and theoretical achievements, then analyzes the regulation of experience the public participate in US administrative hearing system and uses it as a source for our reference.In view of the administrative decision-making hearing the public participation facing much trouble, the third part analyzes the reason of current situation first, and then raises opinions from existing provisions of the system to the defects obstructing the performance of the hearing execution. Introducing the public participation mode, which is the core of interests representative modes in the US administrative law, the last part suggests the way, adopting rich experiences in practices and combining the real difficulties in our country together, to optimize the administrative decision-making hearing system, which can achieve the goal of increasing the level of administrative decision-making hearing.

  • 【分类号】D922.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】212