

A Study of the Prevention of Collective Accidents on College Campus

【作者】 洪惠珊

【导师】 黄顺康;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着改革不断深化和社会变迁不断加剧,我国高校的内部管理与外部环境都发生了巨大变化,社会转型和高校扩招、教育改革交织在一起,使高校的发展产生了许多不确定因素,各种突发事件的发生频率越来越高,高校无可置疑地成为了社会状态的“晴雨表”。高校各类群体性事件时有发生,并有逐步增加的趋势。高校群体性事件受到社会各界的高度关注,其传播速度很快,且容易向社会迅速扩散,不仅会严重影响高校的正常教学秩序,而且还会严重影响社会稳定。因此,加强高校群体性事件的预防能力建设,是各级政府和高校面临的一项重要任务。本文在深入分析高校群体性事件案例的基础上,运用黄顺康教授的因素链理论、闫耀军教授的前馈控制理论、应星教授的场气理论和朱力教授的结构箱理论来研究高校群体性事件预防,探索高校群体性事件治理的重心前移问题。文章分析支出,当前在我国高校管理中,普遍缺乏危机意识,许多高校广泛存在“三重三轻”现象:即重日常管理,轻应急管理;重硬件建设,轻软件建设;对群体性事件重事后处置,轻事前预防。很多高校面对群体性事件时,由于预防措施和预防准备流于形式,而常常出现手忙脚乱、措手不及的困境,从而往往造成灾难性的不良后果。因此,增强高校危机管理意识,构建高校群体性事件预防机制,把高校群体性事件化解在萌芽状态,或爆发之前,防止高校群体性事件演变成社会危机甚至灾难,是我们亟待解决的重要现实课题。文章针对我国高校所处的现实情况,在案例分析、理论支撑和比较借鉴的基础上提出了我国高校群体性事件预防机制的具体构建策略。全文共分四个部分:第一部分,导论。介绍了本文的研究背景、研究现状、研究方法和研究意义等内容。同时,阐明针对高校群体性事件预防的研究的理论意义和现实意义,为研究的展开提供有力的支撑。第二部分,对当今我国高校群体性事件的现状作了较详细的叙述,包括对相关概念的界定和从不同的角度作的划分。对高校群体性事件的特征进行了分析,对各种类型的高校群体性事件做了较为系统的分析。第三部分,运用闫耀军教授的前馈控制理论、应星教授的“场气”理论、朱力教授的“结构箱”理论、黄顺康教授的因素链理论从各个不同的方面论证了高校群体性事件的治理必须以预防为中心。第四部分,论述了高校群体性事件群体性事件预防机制构建的对策,包括思想准备、组织准备、制度准备等各种高校群体性事件的预防措施,从前馈控制理论出发,制定科学的应急预案,包括提高处置能力、建立源头阻断机制等。

【Abstract】 The inside and outside circumstances of college campus has changed radically along with the continuing reform and remarkable social development. The combined social transferring and reform of higher education leads more uncertainty and therefore collective accidents at campus occurred more and more frequently. Such phenomena have undoubtedly become a barometer of social stability status. Collective accidents at campus cause disorder not only inside of campus, but are also much concerned and easy to spread out of campus, and therefore have negative impact on the whole society. So that strengthening the capability of preventing campus accidents is not only a urgent job of college authorities, but also a critical task of all level of government.The preventing of Campus collective accidents are analyzed through case studies by applying Professor Huang shunkang’s theory of chain of aspects, Professor Yan yaojun’s theory of feed-forward controlling, Professor Ying Xing’s theory of“chang and qi(sphere and air)”and Professor Zhu Shuli’s box structure theory in this thesis. It stresses on how to take pre-emptive action so as to improve preventing collective accidents at campus. It has appointed out in this thesis that there is a common absence in crises conscientiousness at campus. There is phenomenon of“two emphases”and“two kinds of ignorance”in many colleges and universities. That is to say, normal regulations of management are emphasized while the preventing mechanism ignored, the how to settle accidents is emphasized while the how to pre-empt ignored. And therefore, many colleges and universities are just at a loss as to how to deal with collective accidents because of the absence of well prepared countermeasures. And the subsequence is usually severe. It is, therefore, an urgency to increase conscientiousness of emergency management, construct mechanism of preventing collective accidents, and so as to get those might-be accidents controlled, and let no college accidents evolve social accidents or tragedies.Through case studies and theoretical analyses the author presents some countermeasures and tactics for college collective accidents prevention in this thesis.The dissertation consists of four chapters:In Chapter one, introduction, the author outlines the study backgrounds, the present situation of research, methods and significance of this subject.In Chapter two, the status of campus collective accidents are described in detail, including the definition of related concepts, the analysis of some particular cases and classification of campus accidents.In Chapter three uses different theories to analyze and demonstrate that dealing with campus accidents should be emphasized on prevention in variant angles.In Chapter four countermeasures and tactics are suggested for the construction of preventing mechanism, including idea preparedness, institution preparedness and organization preparedness. It also presents how to produce scientific emergency preventing measures and enhance accident control capability according to feed-forward control theory.

  • 【分类号】D631.4
  • 【被引频次】3
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