

Research Development about Undertakings of Zhengzhou Disabled Persons

【作者】 纪磊

【导师】 秦闻一;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 公共管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 残疾是客观存在的,造成残疾的原因来自先天的和后天的各个方面,人们可以在一定程度上,一定范围内控制残疾的发生、发展,但不能完全消除它,根据一定的实用评定标准,残疾人分为各种类别。据联合国统计,全世界残疾人估测数字为6.5亿,在许多国家里,每十个人中至少有一个人残疾,至少有25%的人因与残疾人有关而受到不利影响。根据有关部门统计,目前我国有8300多万残疾人,郑州市共有各类残疾人52万余人,是数量相当大的一个群体,同时,由于残疾影响和外界障碍,残疾人在社会生活中处于某种不利地位,又是一个特殊而困难的群体。残疾是客观存在的,但反映在人的主观上却因每个人的人生观不同而表现各异。古今中外,无数残疾人超越种种人生的不幸,克服了常人难以想象的困难,不仅实现了自己的人生价值,而且为社会做出了突出贡献,充分说明了残疾人同样是社会财富和精神财富的奉献者和创造者。残疾人事业就是人们从事与残疾人有关的具有一定目标、规模和系统的对社会发展有影响的一项社会性工作。世界残疾人问题的提出始于上个世纪初,经过半个多世纪的演变逐步拓展为新兴的残疾人事业,目前,联合国大会已通过了一系列保障残疾人权益的文件、决议,已有132个国家和地区制定了有关残疾人的法律。郑州市残疾人事业经各有关部门、社会各界和广大残疾人的共同努力,残疾人事业宣传日益深入,社会环境明显改善。但是还要看到,市场经济的竞争性使残疾人在社会发展中处于弱势地位,残疾人事业的发展在新时期面临许多新的问题和困难,如无障碍设施建设远远落后于城市建设步伐、残疾人组织建设长期处于弱势,专门协会务虚不务实、残疾人社会生活中的弱势地位、管理与代表、服务职能错位等,严重制约了残疾人事业的发展。因此,寻求新形势下解决残疾人事业发展中问题的对策,成为目前迫切和急需解决的一个理论和现实问题。新时期残疾人工作的发展是历史的必然,残疾人事业是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要组成部分,在和谐社会构建中作用独特、地位重要、影响深远,和谐社会的思想和哲学基础是以人为本,由于残疾人事业结构的复杂性、涉及面的广泛性、动态形成的不确定性和映照社会的深刻性,以及关乎社会稳定与发展大局的紧要性,决定了它在和谐社会构建中无可替代和不可忽视的重要地位。正如回良玉副总理指出的:“残疾人事业是崇高的事业,是中国特色社会主义事业的重要组成部分。”构建社会主义和谐社会,需要全社会共同努力,当然也需要所有残疾人和残疾人事业做出贡献。本文在分析国内外残疾人事业发展现状,探讨、研究国内外残疾人事业发展经验的基础上,提出了发展郑州市残疾人事业的几点建议,即加大无障碍环境和设施建设力度、建立残疾人非营利组织,以残疾人为本,不断完善新型残疾人事业发展的组织体系和发展机制,采取社会化的工作方式,加强助残公益机构的能力建设,建立残疾人自助组织等。

【Abstract】 Disability is objective reality,the reason of disability is both congenital and postnatal.To a certain degree and range,disability can be prevented but it cannot be completely eliminated.According to certainpractical judgment standard,the disabled persons can be divided into different kinds.According to the United Nation, there were abort 6.5 million disabled persons in the whole world,In many countries,one in ten people were disabled,at least 25% people were unfavorably affected relating to the disabled persons,In China,acconding to official statistics,there are about 8300 million disabled people now,and Zhengzhou have 520.000 disabled people now.That is a big group in our society.Because of disability and outside obstacle,the disabled persons live disadvantageous lives in the social activities,so it forms a specially difficult group too,Disability is indeed objective but because of the different outlook on life and different subjective effort,Every disabled person acts differently.At all times,in all countries,countless disabled people have surpassed all kinds of misfortunes,overcome unexpected difficulties,Not only have they fullfilled their own value of life,but also have they made extraordinary achievements to society.All that fully prove the disabled persons are also contributors and creators of spiritual wealth and wealth of society.The undertakings of disabled persons is one of the social work with certain aim,scale and system which people do their job to serve disabled persons,It has big influence on social development and the question about.it was first suggested at the beginning of 20 century,as time went by,It has becoming new and expending,Today the United Nation has passed a series of documents about guaranteeing disabled persons rights and interests Laws to pretect disabled persons have been drafted in 132 countries and regions.In Zhengzhou City, The undertakings of disabled persons has developed and implemented by the relevant departments, the community and the joint efforts of the majority of people with disabilities,,because of the competition of market economy, disabled persons is weak in the society,the development of the undertakings of disabled persons face with many new questions,for example,The grass-roots organizations and the overall quality standard is not high and the federation in social life vulnerable position,etc.Seriously,it has restricted the development of undertakings of Chinese disabled persons.It is a emerging theoretic and realistic question to solve that seeking solutions of questions of undertakings of disabled persons.It is a historical necessity to devolop undertakings of disabled persons in new stage.The undertakings of disabled persons is an important part of the Building socialistic harmonious society.Role in unique status of important and far-reaching,Harmonious society based on ideology and philosophy is people-oriented, due to the complexity of the structure of disabled persons, covers the breadth and dynamic form of uncertainty and profound social mapping, as well as the overall situation relating to social stability and development of a critical nature, the decisiona harmonious society in its irreplaceable and important role can not be ignored.As hui liangyu deputy prime minister pointed out that:"the undertakings of disabled people are noble cause, is an important part of the undertakins of socialism with chinese characteristics." Building socialistic harmonious society, needs of the joint efforts, of course, require all the disabled person and the undertakings of disable person contributions.Base on analyzing the condition and the experience of the domestic and foreign undertakings of disabled persons,this article proposed several ponders of developing the undertakings of Zhengzhou disabled persons,that is Greater efforts in building barrier-free environment and facilities, establishing non-profit organizations of disabled persons, maintaining main body status of disabled persons,perfecting organization system and development mechanism of undertakings of disabled persons, carrying out the working style of socialization management, Strengthening public sector capacity building disabled, the establishment of self-help organizations of persons with disabilities.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期