

A Study on Legal Definition of Public Interest

【作者】 李欣

【导师】 田土城;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 民商法学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 纵观人类历史长河,人们总是有意识或无意识的以一种个体存在形式同其他集团或社会构成体之间进行着某种利益衡量,直至发展成为一种价值论断上的博弈。时至今日,这种个人利益与不特定第三人利益、个人利益与社会利益、个人利益与国家利益之间的暗中较量从未停止过,甚至说有愈演愈烈之势,我们在此暂且将它们统称为公共利益。而对于究竟什么才是公共利益,公共利益是否存在的问题,国际上的学者可谓众说纷纭,争论也格外激烈,可以说各有弊益,但最终难以形成对解决实际问题提供一种有效可行的理论方法。随着社会的演进,法学理论的发展,公共利益与个人利益之间的矛盾日益凸显,譬如从房屋拆迁到土地征收,从行政公权到国家利益,似乎任何噱头只要符合多人的利益就能够提及到公共利益的层面,就能够不加限制的剥夺个人权利,但事实并非如此。可见,唯有真正理解什么是公共利益,或者说怎样认识公共利益的理论方法,才能更好的保护个人利益,换句话说,也就是真正做到实现公共利益的同时不以肆意践踏个人权益为根本。文章主要致力于解决公共利益的界定问题,从中外学者对于公共利益给出的诸多概念界定中,分析对比提炼出可取之处,同时提出自认为观点中不合理的地方,逐步推出能够相对准确认定公共利益的方法,使其定义或者说是公共利益的轮廓清晰展现。在文章中本人对现存争议很大的公共利益不存在说、个人利益组成说、整体利益说以及个人利益限制说和经济利益说进行了深入分析,从而引申出公共利益与国家利益、社会利益、集团利益、不特定第三人利益的概念区别。在对公共利益语义学角度、立法本源、表现形式上和内部构成上几个角度的研究,认为推出一种公共利益的判断标准才是最为可行的,也是行之最为有效的。本人还大胆的将公共利益提到了立法规范的层面,目的也是为了公共利益的界定能够更好的应用于实践,通过从法理的角度,从现实生活的实际情况和我国关于公共利益的法律规定现状出发,划定出公共利益的范围及公共利益的确认主体,以求有利于我国公共利益的法律构建。

【Abstract】 In the long history of human progress, there always exists a contrast between the interest of individual and the interest of social group, which has evolved into a game on the measurement of each interest. Even nowadays, the combats for interests between individuals and individuals, individuals and society, individuals and country, if not become more fierce, have never ceased. For the sake of convenience, all the kinds of interests mentioned above are generally called public interest for the time being. There are a variety of arguments on the definition and existence of public interest, however, none of them is satisfying despite their respective advantages. With the development of the society, enhanced is not only the law theory but also the contradiction between individual interest and public interest. For example, this contradiction can be seen from the house removal and land expropriation, between the implement of government rights and national interest. It seems that anything seemingly fit for some group’s interests can be approached to the sense of public interest and become a reason for the deprival of individual’s interests, yet this is far from true. Therefore, only based on truely understanding the definition of public interest can the interest of individual be better protected.This dissertation aims at the definition of public interest. On the basis of many theories at home and overseas, the author extracts their strength and criticizes the weakness and then puts forward a relatively more precise way for the definition of public interest. By a deep analysis of some debatable approaches such as the one that claims the non-existence of public interest, the one that public interest consists of individual interests, the ones that public interest is the interest of the whole society, the one that public interest impairs individual interest and so on. Through studying public interest from the perspective of pragmatics, origin of law, forms of manifestation and inner structure, the author concludes that to carry out a set of criterion for public interest is the most feasible and efficient solution. The author even promotes public interest to the level of legislation in order for an application of the definition of public interest to practice. In details, this application should comply with the legal principles of our nation, base itself on the practical situation of our social community, figure out the main part of public interest

【关键词】 公共利益概念界定判断标准
【Key words】 public interestdefinitioncriterion
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】D923.2;D922.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】364
  • 攻读期成果