

The Study of the Relation of 《Theory of Communist Moral Cultivation》 and a Marxist Learning-inclined Party Building

【作者】 王琳

【导师】 吴宏亮;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 《论共产党员的修养》(以下简称《修养》)成文于新民主主义革命时期,它是刘少奇众多党建著作中流传至今仍有巨大影响力的一部。刘少奇创作《修养》的原因主要有以下三个方面:首先,马克思主义是中国共产党进行革命和建设的理论武器,历来注重思想建设,当时中共党内虽然有许多系统介绍马克思主义的著作,但是针对党员个人修养的著作还比较欠缺。其次,抗日战争时期,中共大量吸收党员,在党员队伍迅速壮大的同时,党内成分复杂、思想不统一等问题也随之而来。对党员进行党性教育,统一思想以增强党的战斗力,成为当时中共急需解决的问题。最后,,刘少奇不但是伟大的马克思主义者,而且有着深厚的国学修养,受中国传统文化的影响,比较注重个人修养。综合以上原因,《修养》适时而生。它一经发表即产生强烈反响,多次再版印刷,成为中共党员个人修养的必读教材,其影响力至今犹存。1942年延安整风运动中,《修养》被列为党员必读书目。1949及1962年,刘少奇根据现实情况对《修养》中某些不合时宜的内容进行了修改,彰显了其实事求是、与时俱进的理论品质。文革期间,刘少奇遭受了不公正的待遇,《修养》也被称为“黑修养”,受到误读。1980年,中共十一届五中全会为刘少奇平反,《修养》又重新受到重视。当前阶段,国际形势变幻莫测、国内形势也日趋复杂,新问题、新情况不断出现。新形势下,中国共产党适时提出了建设马克思主义学习型政党的战略决策,对党员的素质提出了更高层次和水平的要求。《修养》为党员个人如何进行修养提供了范本,它对中共进行学习型政党建设无论是在理论上还是在实践上都有很重要的指导作用。本论文共分为四部分。第一部分简述了《修养》形成的历史背景、写作过程及主要内容;第二部分对学习型政党的概念及建设学习型政党的几个着力点进行了分析;第三部分探讨了学习型政党建设与《修养》之间的关系;第四部分对《修养》对学习型政党建设的重要作用进行了研究探讨。

【Abstract】 Theory of Communnist Moral Cultivation had been completed in the New Democratic Revolution Period, it’s one of the Shaoqi Liu’s many famous works on party-building,which has significant influence until now. There were three reasons why Shaoqi Liu wrote it:Firstly, Marxism is our theoretical weapon for Revolution and Constrction,which attaches importance to ideological. Then, there was no book about self-cultivation; Secondly, in the Anti-Japanese war period, our party made a decision of substantial absorption of party members. Our party growed rapidly, but there were problems followed, such as complex composition of party members ideology wasn’t uniform, all of these needed to be solved. Finally, Chinese Traditional Culture emphasized self-cultivation. For all the reasons, the great work produced, which had great influence in the party at the beginning. Theory of Communnist Moral Cultivation had been published for many times, it was the required reading for personal-cultivation of party members.In 1942, Theory of Communnist Moral Cultivation was celected as required reading-book. In 1949 and 1962, Shaoqi Liu modified this work, that highlighted its realistic and times. During the Cultural Revolution, Shaoqi Liu suffered unfair treatment, Theory of Communnist Moral Cultivation was labed "Black Cultivation" hower, "Fortunately, history is written by the people ", in 1980, the party’s fifth Plenary Session of the Eleventh, our party vindicated for him, cleaned the charges imposed upon him.Nowadays, the international situation is changeable, the domestic situation is increasingly complex, this requires our party members has higher qualities. For increasing the members’alility, represents "Advanced culture、Advanced productive forces、Most people’s interests", our party proposed the building of a learning party as a political and strategic task.The second part analyzes Marxist learning-inclined party and how to build it,the third part investigates the relationship between them,the last part discuss the importance of Theory of Communnist Moral Cultivation to a learning party building. Build a learning party needs every member’s efforts、continual cultivation and progress.Theory of Communnist Moral Cultivation not only provides a template for the cultivation of party members, but also has great importance on building a Marxist learning-inclined party in theory and practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期