

The Study of Pragmatic Meaning Based on the Critical Networkcatchwords

【作者】 刘业强

【导师】 王建华;

【作者基本信息】 温州大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 评语类网络流行语是一类新颖的网络流行语,它区别于其他网络流行语的最重要特点是具有事件性和评论性。从2008年瓮安的“俯卧撑”事件,到之后杭州的“欺实马”事件,再到“我爸是李刚”等事件,这一系列社会热点事件在网络语境中的流行传播,为评语类网络流行语语用意义的重新建构提供了新的背景语境,在这一背景语境之下,网民充当了说话人的角色,他们使评语类网络流行语带有了说话人的语用意图,说话人语用意图的再介入对评语类网络流行语有重要的影响,它不仅促使人们关注并了解这些社会热点事件背后的真相;也促使评语类网络流行语产生了新的语用意义。虽然评语类网络流行语的流行传播引起了社会的广泛关注,对其研究也取得了很多成就,但它的研究依然处于起步阶段,从概念界定到其意义的演变过程都缺少系统解释,大多学者都将其与其他网络流行语混作一谈,没有把它自成一类,进行系统的研究。其实,从其社会背景、生成机制、语用意义等方面而言,评语类网络流行语与其他网络流行语有明显的差别。鉴于评语类网络流行语的巨大社会效应以及研究的必要性,本文试图从语用意义的角度对评语类网络流行语进行分析研究,首先,本文对网络流行语进行分门别类地梳理,以明确评语类网络流行语的定义概念以及与其它类型流行语的区别,然后通过对网络语境特点的分析揭示其所产生的背景语境,最后,通过对评语类网络流行语的生成和传播机制的分析来全面探析其语用意义的特点。

【Abstract】 Critical network catchwords are very popular. Their features are“event”and“critical”. Since the event of“Fu Wo Cheng”started in 2008 in weng’an , Followed by the typical examples , such as“Qi Shi Ma”in Hangzhou city、“Wo Ba Shi Li Gang”. these events are popular in the network context, they are important to construct the new meaning of critical network catchwords. At the same time, the cyber users are the speakers, they make them more critical. Therefore, the pragmatic intention of the speaker is very important. they urge us to find out the truth of these events, and make them produce the new pragmatic meanings .Although they have caused the concern of all sectors of the society through the media .Their studies have just started, they need to be explained comprehensively from definition to evolution process, many scholars prefer to treat them as the popular events which occur on the web. They think the critical catchwords are completely same to the others. In fact, they are different from the others in the terms of social background, formation mechanism, pragmatic meanings.In view of the enormous social effects and the necessity of study to the pragmatic meaning of network popular language .This paper tries to study the critical network catchwords from the pragmatic meanings, firstly, this paper firstly define their concept by classifying network catchwords. Then study its backgroud context by analyzing the network context, At last, this paper find out the features of pragmatic meaning by analyzing the way of producing and spreading.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 温州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期