

The Current Educational Status to Sports Masters of Universities in Guangxi and Its’ Countermeasures

【作者】 王晓庆

【导师】 胡英清;

【作者基本信息】 广西民族大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数理统计法等研究方法,对广西高校体育学硕士研究生教育现状进行调查研究,分析广西高校体育学硕士研究生教育影响因素,并根据广西自身特点,提出相应的对策。研究结果表明:广西高校体育学硕士研究生专业授权点少,专业不多,招生规模小。主要分布在广西师范大学、广西民族大学和广西师范学院,开设的专业有体育教育训练学、体育人文社会学和民族传统体育学三个专业;广西高校培养模式相差不大,培养方案有所差异;导师队伍结构中职称结构、年龄结构和学缘结构较为合理,教授职称占的比重很高,青年硕士导师较少,具有博士学位的导师占的比重较小,学缘结构以师大占的比重较大,导师的科研能力较强,但承担国家级课题较少,导师队伍结构仍有待进一步优化;在教学和科研基础设施中,体育场馆建设中注重资源合理调配,提高场地的利用率,实验室建设中广西师范大学和广西民族大学都拥有运动生理、运动解剖、生物力学、体育保健和运动心理5个实验室,但是专职实验员较少,研究生对实验室的使用率较低;图书馆资源方面生均拥有情况低于国家标准,研究生教材使用与本科生重复率较大,教材建设较弱;广西高校体育学硕士研究生就业形势总体良好,就业领域主要在广西高校,就业指导薄弱;研究生自身能力较低,难以满足社会需求等。

【Abstract】 In this thesis,we used the methods of doucment-consulting ,survey, talks and statistics to research the educational status of Sports Master(SM) in GuangXi.This research shows that there is a few special field of study and a few recruit over the universities of Guang Xi that had authorized the SM .And all thoes universities that had established the special field of SM include GuangXi Normal University(GNU),GuangXi University for Nationalities(GUN) and GuangXi Normal College(GNC).The special field of study include Physical Education and Trainning, Humane and Sociological Science of Sports and Troditioal Physical Trainning of Nationalities.But the model of education has non-distinguish and it’s just different in the cultivate programe.We think there is a rational counter-pyramid structure at profassional teachers arouond the universities that set up the SM.The proportion that the title of a professional post is beyond the young teachers for master and beyond the teachers that have a title of Docter’s degree.As far as the graduational school of all surveied teachers are concern,GUN have a largest number of graduations.They have higher level in science research out of other graduations,but they does not being given a lot of national subject.Thus the structure of teachers’resource will keep optimizing.At the aspect of constructing the basic labs for teaching and science research ,we should take more attention on the distribution of teaching facilities so that it can be utilized more efficiently.In this survey,we found that both in GNU and GUN,there are Exercise Physiology lab, Sports Anatomy lab, Biomechanics lab, Sports Hygienics lab and Sports psychology lab.but there are less in full-time laboratory technicians,and the open time for postgraduates are very limited. At the aspect of everage possession of doucments and files of library,all schools are below the national standard.And there is a duplicate over undergraduates and postgraduates,so that we can conclude that thoes suitable textbooks’publish is sluggish.Most of all,the graduation of SM is easy to find a job within GuangXi ,but they lack with necessary guide of job-finding. Its ability to graduate student is unable to meet social demand.

  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】144