

The Analysis of Guangxi Films Industrial Development

【作者】 刘洋

【导师】 李启军;

【作者基本信息】 广西民族大学 , 文艺学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 在市场经济和文化体制改革的双重推动下,中国电影的产业化已经成为一条势在必行的道路。八九十年代,广西电影制片厂出品的影片,曾经是广西文化最耀眼的名片。2006年转企改制以后,广西电影制片厂焕发出新的生机与活力,步入稳步发展的市场化轨道,同时也面临着企业发展的关键时刻。本文从市场、资本、娱乐、营销四个维度剖析中国电影产业化的宏观背景,运用大众文化、产业经济学、管理学及电影本体论相结合的学术视野,结合广西电影产业的发展实际,具体分析了广西电影走产业化道路的优势与不足,既剖析了产业化中面临的问题,又指出了广西电影勃起的地域、经济、政策优势,在此基础上结合国有电影制片厂的整合做大和单片制胜之道、国内民营电影制片厂的品牌之路以及美国好莱坞电影的成功经验,通过比较分析,从资本、类型、管理三个层面深入探析,提出广西电影产业化发展的比较系统可行的发展策略。

【Abstract】 With the push of market economy and the reformation of cultural system,Chinese films’industrialization has put one foot on an imperative road. In 80s and90s of last century, the films produced by Guangxi Film Studio were once the mostdazzling cards of Guangxi culture. After the restructuring and transformation in2006, Guangxi Film Studio gains new vigor and vitality, runs steadily on themarket orbit and comes at a critical developing time. This article analyses theChinese film industrial back- ground from the market, capital, entertainment andmarketing these four dimensions and anatomies it’s advantages and shortcomingsfrom acade- mic perspective by combining Popular Culture, Industrial Economics,Management and Film Ontology. This paper points out the problems existing inthe industry and advantages of regional, economical and policy as well. After deepresearch from capital, types and management these three levels, the author putforward some systematic development strategies and all these proposals are basedon state-owned film studios’and Hollywood’s successful experiences。

【关键词】 广西电影市场娱乐资本产业化
【Key words】 Guangxi filmsmarketentertainmentcapitalindustrialization