

Study on the Archives User’s Information Requirement and Service under the Governmental Information Disclosure Environment

【作者】 杨惠桃

【导师】 黄夏基;

【作者基本信息】 广西民族大学 , 档案学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 用户研究是档案学研究的首要部分,用户研究对档案开放利用业务的组织和管理具有全面的推动作用,究其原因,一是档案开放利用业务必须按用户需求组织,二是信息环境的变化和社会发展首先体现在用户信息需求与行为的变化上。随着政府信息公开的深入实施,档案馆用户及其信息需求呈现出了新的特点和面临新的困境。政府信息公开环境下档案馆用户信息需求的特点和重点有哪些?档案馆应该以怎样的视角来定位自己的角色?采用何种方式应对用户复杂多变的信息需求的挑战?这些都是值得档案工作者关注和思考的问题。文章共设置五个章节,开篇序论部分重点交代了本课题研究的目的及意义、对国内外研究现状进行了阐述并提出了文章的创新点及研究思路与方法。第二章是对政府信息公开环境下档案馆用户及信息需求的相关理论进行概述和分析。主要界定相关的研究对象,然后阐述了档案用户信息需求的理论依据,为实证研究奠定坚实的基础。第三章是实证调查和分析研究。在对广西各级综合档案馆实地考察和用户问卷调查的基础上从各个方面展开分析。第四章是在充分的理论分析和实际调查的基础上,随着政府信息公开的深入,构建一个以档案用户信息需求为导向,以档案信息资源的开发共享为基础,以服务模式的创新来维系广西档案事业发展的局面而展开的三维一体的服务机制。第五章为结论,指出了本文研究的出发点与笔者研究的欠缺,档案馆用户服务工作应以政府信息公开为契机,化挑战为机遇,完善档案用户信息需求服务机制,真正落实广大用户需求和利用档案的权利。

【Abstract】 User study is the primary part of the archives science study, and it plays an overall promoting role in the organization and management of archives opening and utilization, and it is because of the following two reasons: firstly, archives opening and utilization service shall be organized as per the user’s requirement; secondly, the information environment’s change and social development firstly reflect the change of user’s information requirement and conduct. Along with the governmental information disclosure policy is further implemented, the archives user and its information requirement present new features, while facing new difficulties at the same time. What are the features and key points of archives user’s information requirement under the governmental information disclosure environment? How do archives position its roles and from what perspective? How do archives deal with the complicated challenge of user’s information requirement? All the above mentioned questions are worth attention and consideration of archivists.This paper is comprised of 5 chapters, and the chapterⅠpreface, mainly stats the study purposes and the study meaning of this paper, the current study situation at home and abroad , and also indicates this paper’s innovation points and study method. ChapterⅡ, overview and analysis are carried out to the related theories in the respect of archives user and its information requirement under governmental information disclosures environment. Firstly, define the related study subject, and afterwards expound the theoretical basis of archives user’s information requirement, laying a strong foundation for the empirical study. ChapterⅢ, empirical investigation and study. And analysis is conducted from various aspects based on user questionnaire investigation and the on-the-spot investigation carried out to Guangxi comprehensive archives at various levels. ChapterⅣ, based on the complete theoretical analysis and empirical investigation, along with the governmental information disclosures policy is further implemented, structure a three-dimensional service mechanism, while archive user’s information requirement as its direction of guide, development and share of archive information resource as its basis, and the service mode’s innovation as the promoter to the development situation of Guangxi archive sector. ChapterⅤconclusion, indicate the starting point of this paper and the shortcomings of the writer’s study. User service of archives shall be carried out with the governmental information disclosures policy as an opportunity, turning challenge to opportunity, improve and perfect the service mechanism related to the user’s information requirement to truly meet the user’s demand and assure the archive using right.
