

Research on Off-Site Backup of Archives

【作者】 梁艳萍

【导师】 景卫东;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 档案学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 2008年5月12日的汶川大地震、2010年8月的舟曲特大山洪泥石流等自然灾害不仅给灾区人民的人身、财产造成了极大的损失,也使档案工作也遭受了前所未有的重创,灾区的许多珍贵档案彻底损毁。另外,随着社会信息化进程的不断加快,数字档案的数量呈几何级的增长。相比于纸质档案来说,数字档案具有信息保存不稳定、信息利用依赖性高、易于泄密、易受计算机病毒感染等弱点,作为即将成为现代档案主导形式的数字档案,其安全保管问题也是不容乐观。档案作为人类社会活动的原始记录,不只是一个国家和地区的重要文化财富,也是一个民族的历史记忆。如何保障档案安全,以提供有效利用成为档案工作者关注的焦点问题。面对各种灾害,我们必须强化风险防范意识。对档案进行异地备份,无疑是一种保障档案安全的重要策略。本文对档案异地备份的原则和要求进行了概述,并对档案异地备份的传统方式和现代方式进行了详细的分析和比较,探讨了档案室和档案馆如何选择档案异地备份的地点。在档案异地备份站点的构建模式上,由于档案室和档案馆在整个档案事业中的作用不同,所以在实际工作中它们选择的构建模式也不尽相同。备份站点的实施过程应加强管理,它关系到备份档案实际作用的发挥。本文最后分析了档案异地备份的重要环节即备份站点的实施问题。另外,本文还分析了有关档案异地备份的几个重要案例,希望能对档案异地备份工作起到一些借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 Wenchuan earthquake in may 2008, the Zhouqu large flash floods landslides in August 2010 and other natural disasters not only brought serious disasters to the people, caused great loss of property, and gave our archives unprecedented hit, many valuable files in the affected areas were completely destroyed. In addition, as society continues to accelerate the process of information, the number of digital files has been increasing exponentially. Compared to paper files, the digital file has many weaknesses, just as information stored instability, high dependence of information use, easy to leak, vulnerable to computer virus infection. The digital file will soon become the dominant form of modern digital archive file, however, the digital archive file’s safe custody is not optimistic.File as the original records of human social activities, is not just a major national and regional cultural wealth, but also a nation’s historical memory. How to protect files safe and effective use has been placed in front of us. Facing to various disasters, we must strengthen the awareness of risk prevention. Off-site backup of files is undoubtedly a safe and effective use of reliable measures.In this paper, the principle and requirements of off-site backup files are outlined, and the traditional methods and modern methods of off-site backup files are analyzed in detail, files office and public archives office how to select the file off-site backup locations are discussed. On the construction model of off-site backup site, as the files office and public archives office play different role in the Archives Work, they chose different model in the actual construction. Finally, we talked about the implementation of the backup site, the important part of off-site backup files, backup site should strengthen management of the implementation process which is related to the actual role of the backup file to play. In addition, the paper also analyzes several relevant important cases hoping to play some reference to the work of off-site backup files.

【关键词】 档案备份方式异地备份
【Key words】 archivesbackup methodoff-site backup
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期