

On the Protection of Private Rights in Land Expropriation

【作者】 李保华

【导师】 冯永军;

【作者基本信息】 郑州大学 , 法律, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的快速发展,工业化、城镇化的进程也不断加快,导致对建设用地的需求量也不断增加,于是越来越多的农用地被征收,转变成建设用地。土地征收是国家在进行补偿后对集体土地所有权的强制取得。我国的土地征收制度建立于建国初期,一直沿用至今,随着时代的变迁,征地制度也有过几次修改,但是都没有触及土地征收制度的根本。不可否认的是,土地征收制度在促进我国社会经济的发展、保障农民的土地权益以及保护土地资源等方面做出了不小的贡献。但是,随着时代的变迁,其自身存在的缺陷也日益暴露,如在土地征收中对公共利益的界定模糊、征地程序不完善、补偿范围小标准低、补偿基准制定不科学等。在现实的地征收过程中,由于对私权的不尊重,强征事件时有发生,现行的土地征收制度在保障农民的土地权益、保护土地资源上已经力不从心。在土地征收中由于对公共利益的界定模糊,土地滥征现象十分严重,极大地浪费了土地资源,同时也农民带来极大的伤害,致使其在失去土地后的生活面临严重威胁,为社会的稳定带来负面影响。为了保证经济的快速发展,促进经济的腾飞,健全现行的土地征收制度刻不容缓。同时,能否对失地农民合理补偿和妥善安置,事关社会稳定,直接影响我国社会经济的发展。因此,完善土地征收法律制度,保证农民土地权益就显得非常迫切。本文通过对我国土地征收制度所存在的问题进行全面而深入的探讨,以公共利益及其界定机制为视角,试图探索一种公平的征地补偿标准、合理的征地补偿方式、正当的征地补偿程序以及有效的救济途径,以期重构新的适应市场经济发展规律的土地征收制度。本文共分四个部分:第一部分是对土地征收法律制度的基本理论的分析。首先分析了土地征收的概念与特征以及土地征收的法律属性,指出土地征收具有私法属性;然后研究了土地征收制度的理论发展;最后对我国土地征收制度的历史沿革进行了梳理。通过对土地征收基本理论的分析,指出我国土地征收制度的发展趋势。第二部分是对我国现行土地征收制度中存在的问题进行了深入的分析。指出我国现行土地征收制度中存在着:政府权力错位,漠视私权,对土地物权侵害严重;征地权限、程序设计不完善;土地资源浪费严重;补偿标准设置不科学;由土地征收引发的腐败现象严重等问题,并深入研究,找出问题的原因所在。第三部分是对土地征收中公共利益及其界定的研究。首先对公共利益的概念与特征进行阐述,接着论述了公共利益的界定标准,针对我国立法现状,对公共利益的界定主体、界定标准与程序及界定模式提出自己的设想。第四部分是对土地征收中物权保护的制度完善提出了自己的设想,提出应从土地征收法律程序的健全、土地征收补偿制度的完善、贯彻物权保护原则、巩固宪法对私有财产权的保障等四个方面来健全我国的土地征收制度。

【Abstract】 As China’s economic rapid development, industrialization and urbanization process also continues to accelerate, leading to demand for land for construction are increasing, so more and more agricultural land expropriation, converted into construction land. Compensation for land expropriation is the state after carrying out the compulsory acquisition of collective land ownership. China’s land expropriation system was produced in the early days and continued to be used for a long time. Although the land requisition system have been revised, but did not touch the fundamental system of land expropriation. It is undeniable that China’s land expropriation system has made great contribution in promoting social and economic development, protecting the land rights of farmers and the protection of land resources. However, as times change, its own shortcomings are increasingly exposed, such as the vague definition of public interest, land acquisition process is imperfect, the low compensation standards, compensation benchmarking unscientific and so on. Levied in the real process, due to a lack of respect for private rights, forced demolitions of events have occurred; the current land expropriation system has been unable to protect the land rights of farmers to protect land resources. Because of the vague definition of public interest, land abuse is very serious sign. And it also brings great harm to farmers, resulting in losing farmers no guarantee of social stability. In order to ensure rapid economic development and promote economic development, we must improve the present land acquisition immediately. At the same time, whether reasonable compensation for landless peasants and proper placement a direct impact on China’s social economic development and social stability. Therefore, it is very urgent to reconstruct the legal system of land acquisition and ensure land rights of farmers. Based on the Land Requisition System in the problems of a comprehensive and in-depth discussion, and Definition the public interest perspective, I try my best to explore a fair land compensation standard, land acquisition and compensation and reasonable. I expect to reconstruct a reasonable land expropriation system and provide some suggestions to land expropriation system reform.This article is divided into four parts:the first is the Land Expropriation of the basic theory. First, I analyze the concept and characteristics of land acquisition; next, I express the law of the land acquisition of property that land acquisition has private property; then, I studied the theoretical development of the land expropriation system; Finally, I combed the history of evolution of land expropriation in our country.The second part is our current system of land acquisition problems and the reasons for the in-depth analysis. In this part, I pointed out that China’s current land acquisition system, there are: Government Power and ignore the private rights, serious violations of land property rights; land rights, procedures, defective design; serious waste of land resources; compensation standards set unscientific; corruption caused by the land expropriation and serious behavioral problems and in-depth study, identify the reason.The third part is its definition of public interest. In this part, the article first described the concept of public interest and characteristics, and then discussed the definition of public interest criteria. For the legislative situation, I put forward my own ideas on the definition of public interest standards and procedures.The fourth part, I put forward my own ideas on the land expropriation system in the reconstruction of property rights protection. In order to improve the land expropriation system of our country, there are five aspects must to be done, including: the definition of public interest, the integrity of land expropriation proceedings, improve the land acquisition compensation system, implementation of the principle of property rights protection, consolidation of the Constitution protection of private property rights and so on.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 郑州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】D922.3;D923.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】177
  • 攻读期成果