

【作者】 刘晓光

【导师】 秦树才;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 专门史, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 《边政公论》是20世纪40年代在边疆危机、民族危机的背景下,创建的一份专门研究边疆地区民族、自然环境和文化的期刊。该刊由中国边政学会边政公论社于1941年在重庆编行,最初为月刊;从第5卷第1期开始迁至南京出版,为半年刊;第6、7卷为季刊,其实际负责人为边政学会总务组主任周昆田。1949年停刊,共发表7卷58期274篇文章,创办时间达9年之久,这在民国时期所创办的刊物中,是存在时间较长的刊物之一。创刊旨趣是“凭客观的见地,真诚的研究,一方阐发一般边政原理,使得边政实施能有个正确的理论做参考基础;一方研讨实际问题,搜集实际资料,冀能为建设边疆尽其前哨的义务。换句话说,就是想使理论与实际溶成一片,行政与学术取得配合,以共谋边事的发展”。《边政公论》刊文所涉及的学术领域较为广阔,所蕴藏的认识、信息资料也相当详备,几乎包括了当时中国边政建设的方方面面,如边区知识、古代治边政策、边政资料的收集以及一些具体的边疆开发建议等。在《边政公论》上投稿的作者们,无论是政府工作人员、中小学教员还是大学的教授、研究所的研究员,几乎无一不是当时及以后中国民族学/人类学界、社会学界、历史学界、地理学界中的佼佼者。《边政公论》是20世纪40年代“中国边政学”兴起的推动者,是中国边疆史地研究的积极参与者。毫无疑问,研究、认识《边政公论》,是我们总结我国二十世纪四十年代边疆研究历程的重要工作,对于我们继承前人边政与边疆研究的传统、理论与方法、思想认识,搞好现阶段的边疆研究,服务于边疆经济社会发展,维护边疆稳定,构建边疆学学科都有着重要的学术与现实意义。然而,学术界目前对《边政公论》的研究却很薄弱,仅对这份杂志作了一些概要性介绍,对杂志刊文的部分作者和研究成果开展过个案研究,尚无对《边政公论》作专门、系统研究的学术成果。这种状况,与《边政公论》的地位极不相称。有鉴于此,本文不揣浅陋,尝试着对《边政公论》作为一个整体,进行一个初步的研究。全文共分为三个部分:第一部分为绪论部分,评论与介绍了本论文选题的缘由及价值,相关的研究现状及成果和论文的创新之处与难点及解决的思路。第二部分是本文的主题部分,共分三章。第一章通过对边政释义和边政学会建立的论述,介绍《边政公论》的创刊原因和编辑概况。第二章通过对边区知识、古代治边政策研究、开发边疆的建议、边政资料的搜集等内容的介绍和研究,对《边政公论》的内容进行全方位的评介。第三章论述作者群的投稿数量、身份等信息,并给予分类研究,加深对期刊的进一步认识。本文最后的结语部分总结了《边政公论》的内容、历史意义和局限性,及其对今天边疆地区的改革开放与社会进步以及中国边疆学学科发展的意义。

【Abstract】 Frontier Affairs, created under the background of frontier crisis and national crisis in the 1940s, is a kind of journal that makes a special research on ethnics, natural environment and culture of border areas. Edited by China journal frontier policy institute in the public opinion club of frontier policy in Chongqing in 1941, it was published monthly at first. The first period of the five volume, it was published by Nanjing and it became semiyearly. The six, seven volumes are quarterly and Zhou Kuntian who worked in frontier policy institute and took charge of it. Founded for nine years, it discontinued in 1949 and in all released 7 coil wounds,58 periods and 274 articles. It was one of the publications that survive longest in the period of the republic of China. Its objective is "on the ground of sincere research and objective insights, on one hand, it elaborates the frontier policy principle to make a correct theory as reference; on the other hand, discusses practical problems, collect the actual material, it is expected to serve for frontier construction. In other words, just want to make theory and practice dissolve into one, administration can match with academic, obtained the development of frontier business. It involves relatively broad academic field,and contains a great deal of information in detailed, almost included all aspects of China’s frontier policy construction at that time, such as knowledge introduction of frontier, ancient policy research on ruling border region, the collection data of frontier material and some specific Suggestions on frontier development, etc. The authors who wrote for the Frontier Affairs, not only included the officials of the government, teachers of high school, professors of university, but also the researchers of the institutes.Almost no one isn’t the top researcher in the field of Chinese ethnology, Chinese anthropology, sociology, academic history as well as academic geography at that time or after that time.There is no doubt that research and recognize of the Frontier Affairs is an important work for us to summariz frontier research at the 1940’s. It both have academic and practical significance for us to inheritance the border and frontier research of the previous.Their traditional,theory, methodsthinking and understanding is useful to keeping stableof border area and social and economic development.However, at present the academic study of Frontier Affairs is very weak, just made some introductions for the magazine, existing research results focus on the part of the author and Case Studies,but have no specialized research. This situation did not match the position of it.In view of this,this article try to the Frontier Affairs as a whole, to conduct a preliminary study.The whole thesis is divided into three parts:The first part is the introduction section, comments and introduced the reasons and value of why the topic is chosen. Review of the related researches and achievements, the innovation of the papers, and the difficulties as well as the methods of the solution.The second part of this paper is divided into three chapters, theme part. The first chapter states the frontier policy interpretations and how the Frontier Affairs is built, introduces the reason of publishing the public opinion of the frontier policy and the introduction of edition. The second chapter is based on the knowledge of the border region, ancient cure edge policy research, Suggestions of developing frontier, policy the content such as the collection of data on the introduction and study, the content of Frontier Affairs carry on comprehensive comments. The third chapter discusses the periodical information such as contribute quantity, identity, and give the classification of periodicals, deepen the understanding further.This paper summarized the content of Frontier Affairs in the last chapter, including the historical significance, limitations of the papers. And the significance of reform and opening policy in border areas, today’s social progress as well as the importance of scientific development in China’s frontier regions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期
  • 【分类号】K265
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】352