

【作者】 杨洋

【导师】 朱启才;

【作者基本信息】 云南财经大学 , 政治经济学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 居民收入分配差距问题已成为我国经济中的热点和焦点之一,由于安徽省是“大包干”的发源地,也是农村税费改革的最早试点省份之一,属于典型的农业大省、经济欠发达的中部省份,在中部地区乃至全国具有很强的样本代表性。随着社会主义新农村建设的不断深入,特别是“中部崛起”战略实施序幕的拉开,选择安徽省这样一个典型的中部地区不发达农业省份为实例,从城乡居民收入差距的变动趋势及其影响因素的角度,考察中国居民收入差距问题,具有很好的样本代表性及现实性,对中部地区乃至全国缩小城乡居民收入差距,促进城乡经济协调发展都有较强的借鉴意义。首先,文章回顾了国内外有关居民收入分配差距的相关研究理论,在这些理论的指导下,对安徽省城镇居民收入差距、农村居民收入差距和城乡居民收入差距进行比较与分析。在城镇居民收入差距问题研究中,通过2001—2009年的数据描述了安徽省近十年城镇居民收入状况和变化情况,进而对其总体差距变化和分市的收入差距进行分析,最后由安徽省低收入群体的状况分析了低收入可能引发的问题以产生收入差距的原因。其次,在农村居民收入差距问题研究中,首先利用翔实数据分析了农村居民收入现状和变化情况,进而利用高低比法、基尼系数法、泰尔指数法分析农村居民收入差距,并且通过安徽省农村贫困人口的现状,得出其特征:贫困人口的收入份额仍然偏低;非农产业收入来源少,且收入货币化程度低;贫困地区农民收入与全省的差距拉大,最后分析了农村居民收入差距产生的原因。再次,在城乡收入差距问题研究中,首先把安徽省城乡收入差距与全国城乡居民收入差距以及与周边其他省区城乡居民收入差距做比较,其次进一步寻找城乡居民收入差距产生的原因并且概括了安徽城乡收入差距带来的影响。最后,在对策机制中,根据安徽省城镇居民收入差距、农村居民收入差距和城乡居民收入差距的实际情况,产生的原因及其影响因素,分别提出具体的相关政策建议。

【Abstract】 The income gap of residents has become one of the hot topic and focus in our economy. As the cradle of the household contract responsibility system and the earliest pilot province of countryside taxes and fees reform, Anhui is an under-developed province mainly depending on agriculture, and it is also a very typical agriculture province in the middle area of China as well as the whole country. The income of residents lags behind, and income gap is also very eye-catching. Under the background of new socialist countryside construction and implementation of "Rise of the China central part", taking Anhui Province as an example to study the problem of income gap between urban and rural residents is a very meaningful and practical research, whichwill help to harmonize the development of city and rural areas.Firstly, it reviews the relevant theories about income distribution between residents and relevant research.Under the conduction of these theories, it compare and analyze anhui residents’ income gap in urban, rural residents’ income gap and residents’ income gap between urban and rural. In the section about the income gap in the town,it describes income situation and changing circumstances of Anhui province by the data on the last ten years from 2001 to 2009.Then it anlyzes the changes of overall gap and the income gap of every city in Anhui.Finally,it summarizes the problemes of the low income group.Secondly, in the section of rural residents’ income gap,it anlyzes the present situation and the changing circumstances.Then it describes the rural residents’ income gap by the methods of the contribution ratio of the hige and low,the Gini coefficient and the Theil index analysisin. It summarizes summaries the features from the situation of the rural residents’ income.The impoverished population is still low income share;the industry non-agricultural income less and the level of monetization is low;the income of poor area become wider gap compared with Anhui province.Again, in the section of income gap between urban and rural residents,it compares the whole country and other provinces about the income gap between urban and rural residents.Then it finds the reasons of the gap.Finally,it summarizes the impacts of the gap.Finally, on countermeasures in anhui, according to the actual situation,the causes and its influence factors of the urban residents’ income gap and rural residents’ income gap and the income gap between urban and rural residents, it proposed concrete policy proposals.
