

【作者】 魏伟

【导师】 张玉琴;

【作者基本信息】 云南财经大学 , 金融学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪70年代西方发达资本主义国家陷入了“滞涨”危机之中,面对严重的“滞涨”问题,凯恩斯主义的需求管理政策失灵,在这种背景下,新自由主义开始兴起。新自由主义的兴起适应了当时资本主义发展的需要,使西方资本主义国家逐渐从“滞涨”危机中走了出来,之后新自由主义迅速发展并在全世界范围内推行,美国政府、国际货币基金组织、世界银行及世界贸易组织等国际机构是新自由主义在全世界的主要推行者。20世纪80年代以后,新自由主义思想开始在美英等发达资本主义国家占据统治地位,新自由主义者通过私有化政策、削减社会福利政策、减税政策和金融自由化政策加剧了社会两极分化、导致了泡沫经济并引起了生产相对过剩。近几十年来,金融危机频繁爆发,对世界各国的经济发展和社会稳定都产生了不利影响,而大量证据表明近几十年来新自由主义的泛滥与金融危机的频繁爆发有重要关系,本文通过分析新自由主义与美国金融危机的关系也得出了这一结论。本文第一章介绍了文章的研究背景和意义以及国内外的研究综述。第二章介绍了新自由主义的定义和主要特征。第三章介绍了美国的新自由主义实践及特征。第四章介绍了新自由主义政策与2008年美国金融危机爆发的关系。第五章介绍了金融危机爆发后美国新自由主义政策的调整。第六章是结论。本文的主要研究目的主要有两个:一是通过分析新自由主义政策与美国金融危机之间的关系来剖析新自由主义为国际垄断资本服务的本质;二是通过分析金融危机爆发后美国新自由主义政策的调整来预测新自由主义的命运。美国金融危机的爆发使新自由主义受到沉重打击,然而新自由主义有着很强的自我修复能力,国际垄断资本通过对新自由主义政策的调整使新自由主义恢复了生命力,金融危机爆发后美国新自由主义政策的调整也说明了这一点,因而本文推测,新自由主义时代还远未结束,然而国际垄断资本对新自由主义政策的调整并不能改变新自由主义的命运,其最终将伴随着美元霸权地位的衰落而衰落。

【Abstract】 In the 1970s,the western developed countries fell into stagflation,Keynesianism could not deal with the problem,in this context,neo-liberalism began to rise. Neo-liberalism met with the development of capitalism at that time and brought the western developed countries out of stagflation,from that time on,neo-liberalism rapidly spread over the world,United States,IMF,WB,WTO are the primary promoters of neo-liberalism.After 1980s, neo-liberalism began dominating in United States and British and other western developed countries,through privatization,social welfare reduction,tax reduction and financial liberalization neo-liberalism brought social polarization,bubble economy and overproduction.In recent decades,the financial crisis broke out frequently and it did harm to the development of economy and the stability of society,there was a lot of evidence showed the spread of neo-liberalism was concerned with the outbreaks of financial crises,by analyzing the relation of neo-liberalism and the financial crisis of United States we also got this conclusion.Chapter one introduces the background and significance of this research.Chapter two introduces definition and its main content of neo-liberalism.Chapter three introduces the practice and characteristic of neo-liberalism in United States. Chapter four analyzes the relationship between neo-liberalism and the financial crisis of United States.Chapter five analyzes the adjustment of neo-liberalism in United States after the financial crisis.Chapter six is conclusion.There are primarily two research purpose of this paper,firstly,through analyzing the relationship between neo-liberalism and the financial crisis of United States we gets the conclusion that neo-liberalism is the instrument of international monopoly capital;secondly,through analyzing the adjustment of neo-liberalism in United States after the outbreak of financial crisis we have predicted the destiny of neo-liberalism.The outbreak of financial crisis in United States has impaired neo-liberalism,yet neo-liberalism has strong self-repairing ability,international monopoly capital brings neo-liberalism back to life through the adjustment of neo-liberalism,we can get the conclusion through studying the adjustment of neo-liberalism in United States after the outbreak of financial crisis, this paper infers that neo-liberalism era is still far from over, yet the adjustment of neo-liberalism by international monopoly capital cannot change the destiny of neo-liberalism,it will decline accompanied the decline of the dollar hegemony.

【关键词】 新自由主义金融危机美国
【Key words】 Neo-liberalismFinancial crisisUnited States