

【作者】 凌瑜

【导师】 谢金林;

【作者基本信息】 云南财经大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科学技术和信息技术的发展,我们已经步入网络信息时代,任何信息,哪怕就是在天涯海角,你只需动一动鼠标就可以把所有信息尽收眼底,再者,你若对某一事件或信息感兴趣或想表达自己的观点时,你只需敲一敲键盘,你的想法或观点就显现在网络上。你还可以对政府部门提出自己的意见,可以说,这是一个充分自由的世界,虽然它是虚拟的。但任何事情都有其双面性,网络在带给我们各种生活、学习上的便捷性的同时,网络上的一些不安定因素也随之而来,有些事件如果没有及时处理,就有可能演变成一些浩浩荡荡的网络舆论事件,甚至有可能影响到人们的现实生活,影响到社会的安定团结。政府部门如何利用这个平台,与网民进行沟通,建立和谐的官民关系,成为了考验政府执政能力强弱的一个重要的标准,政府网络新闻发言人制度应运而生。尽管政府新闻发言人制度在我国发展已有一段时间,对加强政府与媒体、大众之间的沟通发挥了极其关键的作用。但随着新媒体的发展,特别是网络传播的迅速发展,人们在网络上更大程度上实现了对社会的各类事件进行直接的交流与表达,而且更能表达出人们的真实意见,传统的政府新闻发言人制度在网络舆情的控制方面存在着明显的不足,亟需一种新的发言人制度加以补充。因此,在相关理论的指引下,本文以政府网络新闻发言人这一全新的制度为选题,在政府网络新闻发言人制度效能内涵的基础上,对政府网络新闻发言人制度效能进行了深入分析。首先探析了政府网络新闻发言人制度的设立的缘由,通过适应网络传播发展的需要、政府自身发展和完善的需要和对传统政府新闻发言人发展的需要三个方面论述了政府网络新闻发言人存在的必要性。在此基础上,总结了我国政府网络新闻发言人制度的现状和存在的主要问题,从角色定位、人员素质以及相关法律制度的建立等方面总结了影响我国政府网络新闻发言人制度效能的各种因素,并对其进行深入的分析,并就如何有效提升政府网络新闻发言人制度效能加以深入探讨,在对政府网络新闻发言人制度效能的现状和问题进行了归纳总结的基础上,提出改进的策略和建议。

【Abstract】 With science and technology and information technology development, we have entered the era of network information, any information, even if it is in the ends of the earth, you only need to move the mouse to connect panoramic view of all information, furthermore,if you are interested in an event or would like to express your points on these views, you only need to knock a keyboarding, your ideas or views will be appeared on the network. You can also put forward your own views to government,this is a full freedom of the world, although it is virtual. But everything has its two-sided nature, the network gives us all life and the convenience of learning ,at the same time, the network on some factors of instability has cropped up, and if some events are treat not soon, it is possible evolved into a network of some of the mighty media event, they may even affect people’s real life, affect social stability and unity. How to use this platform for government departments,communicate with users,establish a harmonious relationship between officials and the public,has become an important strength of the standard to test government competence , government spokesman in the network comes.Although the government spokesman system has been developing for a long period of time in China,and play a crucial role to strengthen the government with the mediaand the public. But with the development of new media, especially the rapid development of network communication, people on the network achieve a greater degree to communicate and express directly,and able to express the true views of the people better, the traditional government spokesman system is lack of controlling public opinion a new speaker system need to be supplemented.Therefore, under the guidance of the theory, this paper, I choose the government spokesman in the new network system as the topic, based on the efficiency of the system ,analysis the government spokesman system in the network performance in-depth. Firstly, analysis the reason for establishing the government spokesman system in the network, through adapt to the network of development’s needs, the government’s own development and improvement’sneeds and development of traditional government spokesman ,three aspects prove the necessity of the government spokesman system in the network’exist . On this basis, summarize the government spokesman system in the network’s status and problems, from the role, quality of personnel and the establishment of relevant legal system,summarize the impact of our government spokesman system in the network’s efficiency factors, and analysis how to improve in-depth, based on government spokesman system in the network efficiency’s status and problems,propose strategies and recommendations.
