

Analysis and Research of the Shot-put Measuring Technology Based o Video Image Processing

【作者】 包峰

【导师】 许少华; 管尊友;

【作者基本信息】 东北石油大学 , 计算机技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来基于视频图像处理的计算机视觉检测技术已经成为研究热点,在众多的领域中都得到了广泛的应用。在现代体育运动中,应用该技术可使体育比赛成绩的判定从传统的靠人工经验判定阶段提升到自动化的科学判定水平。但是,目前将计算机视觉检测技术应用于铅球比赛成绩的测量中,在国内未见报道。针对由于在铅球比赛中人工测量存在因测量工具本身弹性、测量场地不平和人为干扰等因素造成的测量误差而影响比赛的科学性、公平性问题,本文在分析当前国内外有关单目视觉测量技术的研究状况基础上,首次提出将单目视觉测量技术应用在铅球成绩测量中。结合铅球场地的特点,提出了“基于规则同视场几何图形标定法”及“基于同视场物像坐标转换的网格匹配数学模型”,该模型利用透视投影几何关系,对摄像机参数进行标定,通过单目CCD摄像机像面坐标,测量铅球落点的地平面坐标。本文详细阐述了基于单目视觉的铅球测量系统的设计与实现的关键技术,包括硬件系统、前台图像采集系统和后台成绩测量系统等。给出了系统测试与误差分析,通过实例证明了该方法的精确性、稳定性和高效性。如果在系统中加入铅球运行的轨迹,将会扩大系统的使用范围,这一点有待于进一步研究。本文的研究成果拓展了视觉测量技术在体育运动中的应用,并在黑龙江省高考体育术科测试中得到了应用。实践证明:其具有结构简单、成本低廉、操作方便、速度快、应用范围广等特点,具有广阔的应用前景和推广价值。

【Abstract】 In recent years the computer vision inspection technology based on video image processing has become a hotspot, and have been widely used in many areas. In modern sports, the application of the technology can make the judgement of the sports scores from traditional stage by artificial experience ascent to automatic scientific judgement level. However, at present, there is no such report in domestic regarding to the application of the computer visual inspection technology in the measurement of the competition result of shot put.Against the artificial measurement error in shot game caused by such factors as flexibility of measuring tools, rough site and and man-made interference, and so affects the game’s scientific and fair problems, the article analyzes the current domestic and foreign relevant monocular vision measuring technique, and puts forward the idea to use monocular vision measuring technology in the measurement of the competition result of shot put. Combined with the characteristics of shot put field, puts forward "the identical view geometry calibration method based on rules" and "the grid matching mathematical model based on identical view objects coordinate transformation", the model uses the perspective projection of geometric relationships to calibrate camera parameters, and measures the ground plane coordinates of landing shot through the monocular CCD camera image plane coordinates.This paper expounds the key technologies of design and implementation of the shot put measuring system based on monocular vision, including hardware system, frontend image acquisition system and backend results measuring system, etc. Gives the system test and error analysis, verifies the methond’s accuracy, stability and high efficiency. If join the system the trajectory of shot put operation, it will expand system scope of application, and this needs further study.The result of this paper expands the application in sports of vision measuring technology, and has been applied in sports skill testing of the university entrance exam in Heilongjiang province. Practice shows that it has such characteristics as simple structure, low cost, convenient operation, quick speed and wide range of application, and has wide application future and spreding value.

  • 【分类号】TP391.41
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】118