

Research on the Control System of Oil Extraction Joint Station Based on PLC

【作者】 魏福芹

【导师】 杜鸿烈; 柳成志;

【作者基本信息】 东北石油大学 , 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本次研究通过井震相结合、剖面对比和断块对比相结合的方法,采用高分辨率层序地层学和测井地质学以及储层地质等理论方法,根据测井、录井以及岩心等资料,对大民屯凹陷沈84安12块沙三段的沉积特征、储层特征、储层非均质性进行研究,为以后的勘探开发提供了技术支持。通过岩心薄片鉴定资料分析研究得出:沈84安12块沙三段储层岩石类型主要是长石砂岩和岩屑质长石砂岩。颗粒大小混杂,岩性较粗,泥质含量中等的特征。颗粒磨圆度为次圆一次尖,分选中等。储层物性变化较大,在垂向上,从下到上有变好的趋势。分析总结了影响物性特征的因素有沉积相的分布、岩石粒度和分选情况以及成岩作用。通过对储集层的孔隙度和渗透率、岩性特征以及隔夹层分布的研究分析,得出该研究区非均质性较严重,并阐述了非均质性对采收率和剩余油的影响。为以后的油气勘探提供了科学的指导。

【Abstract】 Damin tun depression shen 84 an 12 block develop rupture, the geologic is very complex, exploitative oil is developing into high water rate level stage. Though study oil well combine with seismography method, guide with high differentiate stratigraphy, reservoir sedimentology, well logging geology, geology of petroleum and production seismology theory. Describe the sedimentary facies mark, the characteristic of sedimentary, reservoir bed characteristic, and the aeolotropism of reservoir bed base on the Damintun depression shen 84 an 12 block well surveying well drilling and well logging datum. All of above give a lot of support for the future exploratory development.Though reach the core wafer identify datum to study the petrology of the reservoir bed get the result that the third phase of damintun depression shen 84 an 12 blocks the main content are arcose and syrosem arcose. mix of diameter grains of sand in the reservoir bed, roughly of the lithologic character and have moderate quantify of mud, they are the permeable bed characteristic. The particle degree of roundness is subrounded first hypocone. sieve ratio is moderate. physical property of the reservoir change much in the vertical, they have a good tendency from up to down in the reservoir bed. Summary the affect elements of the influencing characteristic, they are sedimentary facies distribute, the grain grade, coefficient of sorting and diagenic metamorphism.Discover that the main contents of the clay mineral is montmorillonite, ledikite, kaolinit and chlorite by means of X-ray and electronic scan observe. The main content of the crag is kaolinit, and the main content of claystone is montmorillonite. The study area compose of the interstitial pore space is complicated, the main consist is pre-existing interparticle channel, intercrystal microchannel and secondary origin emposieu etc. the primary content is pre-existing interparticle, the second is secondary origin emposieu and it is comparatively grow, the other interparticle are not grow. Though study the degree of porosity, permeability, hierarchical factor and distributed of the interbed. We have the conclusion that the aeolotropism in the areas are serious. Elaborate the affection to the oil recovery efficiency and remaining oil. Assemble the physical character, petrography character, pore structure, aeolotropism etc of the reservoir rocks study, finally comprehensive evaluate the four experiments block, and give a guideline for oil exploration activity.
