

Research and Application on the Strategy Management of Intellectual Property

【作者】 吴贤德

【导师】 陈发河; 傅捷峰;

【作者基本信息】 集美大学 , 食品加工与安全, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以战略管理理论为依据,以地方知识产权战略管理为研究对象,以泉州市为个例,综合运用案例研究、比较分析、理论与实证相结合等研究方法和SWOT等分析工具,从战略管理的视角分析泉州市知识产权发展的内外部环境,明晰泉州实施知识产权发展的优势、劣势、机会和威胁,提出泉州市知识产权战略规划方案的的制定必须从知识产权的“创造、运用、保护、管理、服务和文化”等六方面入手,以提高泉州民营企业的创新、创业氛围,同时,结合泉州经济社会发展形势变化,引入评价指标体系,着重加强战略实施调控与评估,以进一步发挥知识产权在泉州创新型城市和现代化建设中的重要作用,为泉州市加快转变发展方式、加快建设经济强市提供有力支撑。以期为各级地方政府特别是泉州市在制定和实施知识产权战略方面提供理论支持和实践参考;同时,以期对企业制定知识产权战略有一定的借鉴作用与帮助。

【Abstract】 Be based on the theory of strategy management, taking the case of Quanzhou city, applying comprehensively the study method of case study, comparing analysis and integrating theory and practice, and also the analysis tool of SWOT, the strategy management of local intellectual property was studied in this thesis. From the perspective of strategy management, this thesis will analyze the internal and external environment of the development of intellectual property in Quanzhou city, distinguish between the advantage and disadvantage, between the opportunity and risk in the implementation of intellectual property in Quanzhou city, put forward the establishment of regulating proposal of intellectual property in Quanzhou city should be carried out from the aspect of“creation, appliance, protect, management, service and culture”to improve the creative and innovative atmosphere of local private enterprises in Quanzhou. In the meanwhile, to further play the role of intellectual property in the modernization building of innovative city in Quanzhou, to provide a strong support for the quickening of the transformation of developing mode of Quanzhou city and the quickening of economy development, it should bind with the changing situation of development of the economic society of Quanzhou, bring in the evaluation index system and emphasize the regulation and evaluation of the strategic implementation. This thesis is on the purpose of providing theory support and practice reference for the formulating and implementation of in the intellectual property strategy at different level of government especially for Quanzhou city, and meanwhile, to provide some reference and aid for the formulation of intellectual property strategy for enterprises.

【关键词】 战略管理研究泉州
【Key words】 strategy managementresearchQuanzhou
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 集美大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】F204
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】210