

The Cross-strait Sports Affairs the Game Analysis

【作者】 戴冬

【导师】 陈少坚; 谢军;

【作者基本信息】 集美大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文从海峡两岸合作共赢的目的出发,以海峡两岸体育事务合作与发展的现状作为研究对象,并对具有典型意义,影响巨大的个案进行剖析,比较全面的揭示海峡两岸体育事务发展中存在问题和阻力,本文通过收集和研读社会学、政治学、经济学、体育学、博弈论理论的相关资料,运用文献资料法、调查访问法、个案分析法以及逻辑分析法,对所得资料和调查结果进行分析和研究得出以下结论:1)两岸体育事务应以“奥运模式”为基础,展开政治互信交流;2)两岸体育事务应加强优势互补,基于合作博弈实现互惠双赢;3)两岸体育事务应加强建立沟通机制,实现“非合作博弈”向“合作博弈”发展。4)两岸体育事务应根据合作的不同领域和特点,建立长效的、有利于双赢的合作博弈模式。博弈论中的重点在于均衡,所谓均衡就是所有局中参与人的最优策略组合,各方博弈产生的结果是一个均衡结局,因为,任何一方改变策略而导致均衡的变化都有可能使自己得到一个更差的结果。为此,本文提出如下建议:1)两岸体育事务发展博弈中要处理好合作与妥协的关系。2)两岸体育事务发展博弈中要的妥协与让步应建立在有较大总体收益基础。3)两岸体育事务发展博弈应侧重注意合作前提基础上的沟通与交流。博弈中的任何一方,如果要实现自己博弈收益的真正最大化,就必须明白这样一个道理:博弈结果不仅取决于自己的策略,而且在很大程度上受到其他博弈方的制约,即个体理性要服从集体理性的要求。所以,通过博弈论来研究两岸体育事务,以此达到两岸体育优势互补、相互促进、共同发展的目的,有利于促进和谐的两岸关系,建立良性互动,为最终完成祖国统一大业做出积极的贡献。

【Abstract】 This paper from the purpose of cross-strait win-win cooperation of cross-strait sports affairs cooperation and development of the situation as the research object, and the typical significance, affect huge case analysis, comprehensive reveal strait sports affairs development exists problems and resistance, based on the collection and study of sociology, politics, economics, sports study, game theory, using the theory of relevant information as literature data method, questionnaire, case analysis and logic analysis, the survey results of data and analysis and research results are as follows: 1) Taiwan "Olympic sports affairs should be based on" mode, political trust exchanges; 2) cross-strait sports affairs should strengthen the cooperative game theory, based on complementary realize win-win; 3) cross-strait sports affairs should strengthen establish communication mechanism, to realize "the noncooperative games" to "cooperative game" development. 4) cross-strait sports affairs should be based on the characteristics of different areas and cooperation, establishing long-effect, beneficial to win-win cooperation game mode.The key lies in the equilibrium theory, the so-called equilibrium is all innings in the optimal strategy combinations participants, the result of the parties game is a balanced end, because, any one party change strategy and cause a balanced changes are likely to gain a worse results. Therefore, this article Suggestions are as follows: 1) the development of cross-strait sports affairs game to deal with the relationship between cooperation and compromise. 2) cross-strait sports affairs development game to compromise and concession shall establish with heavy overall revenue base. 3) cross-strait sports affairs development should emphasize particularly on the note cooperation game based on the premise of communication and exchange.Game on any side of the game, if you want to achieve their real income maximization, you must realize that such a truth: the result of game depends not only on their own strategies, and largely restricted by other gambling sides, namely the individual rationality to obey collective rationality requirements. So, through game theory to study, to achieve cross-strait sports affairs cross-strait sports complementary advantages and mutual promotion and common development, and promoting the harmony of the purpose of cross-strait relations, establish the benign interaction, as the ultimate reunification to make positive contribution.

【关键词】 海峡两岸体育事务博弈合作互惠双赢
【Key words】 StraitSports affairsGameCooperationMutual win-win
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 集美大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期