

Friendship of Wen Yanbo and Poetry Research

【作者】 张娜

【导师】 尹楚兵;

【作者基本信息】 江南大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对于文彦博的研究有别于以往,将尝试着把交游与其诗歌结合起来进行研究。这是个跨学科交叉研究的选题,具有一定的原创性,是一次有益的尝试。北宋朝廷实行崇文抑武,以儒治国的方略,优待儒者,礼让文士。因此北宋文人较之前代文人具有了较为宽松的环境,也拥有了更多的文人尊严。他们在做官、做学问的同时,又以各种各样的社会关系形成不同层面,各具特色的交游活动。本论文第一章论述文彦博交游的优势,第二章对文彦博交游对象进行考证。作为北宋身经四朝的朝廷元老——文彦博,无论是因为仕途政治的需要,还是寄希望于提高诗文的要求,又或是个性的使然,在他的周围构筑着广阔的交游网络。而且文彦博集官僚、文士、学者三位于一体的多元身份,使他交游的人员众多,涉及的阶层广泛,有司马光、富弼、范纯仁、包拯、韩琦、庞籍、王素、杜衍等朝中元老,又有苏轼、文同、宋庠、黄庭坚等文坛巨子。因此,对文彦博交游进行研究,有助于窥探到北宋文人的共性及差异和北宋诗文的某些特点。影响诗人诗风的原因不是单一的,但是文人交游和彼此诗歌主张无疑是不可忽视的因素。文彦博亦然。第三章重点分析文彦博交游对其诗歌的影响。从诗歌题材方面来看,文彦博交游唱和题材的诗歌几乎占据其所有诗歌一半的比例,是真正的“诗为友朋而为者多”。在诗歌的艺术特色方面,文彦博在与周围友朋的交游唱和中,不仅承续和发扬了西昆“馆阁风气”,而且形成了自己独特的诗歌特色——“学人之诗”。本论文以比较全面的史料,来考证文彦博交游,并在此基础上重点抓住交游对诗歌创作的影响,从而对其诗歌特色作出深入的分析。这一论述框架以交游活动贯穿始终,形成了一个完整的体系。

【Abstract】 The paper will not be the same about Wen yanbo as it was before, so we try to research joined relationship into his poem.The topic is cross-disciplinary research,has highly convincing theoretically, is a beneficial attempt.Northern song dynasty executes advocating literature and inhibitory force,ruling confucianism,preferential confucian and comity scribes etc.So northern song dynasty literati possess looser environment and more literati dignity than Former generation literati. They occupied official importan posotions ,Thinking learning ,and meanwhile form different level and distinctive social activities in various of social relations.This paper discusses the advantage of Wen Yanbo’s friendship in chapter 1, and research the objects he made friendship with in chapter 2.Wen yanbo is court patriarch of experience four generations in the song dynasty.Whether because of political needs,or hoped improving his poem and literature,or personality reasons,has broad friends network around him.And because yanbo integrate of official literati,scholars.He has a wide acquaintance,involves widely class.For example Sima guang ,Fu bi, Fan chunren, Bao zheng,Han qi, Pang ji,Wang su,Du yan and so on .are court patriarch,and Su shi,Wen tong,Song yang, Huang tingjian etc .So,discussing among the group of Wen yanbo,that help discussing the universals and peculiarities of literator in the Northern song dynasty,and certain characteristics of literature styles in northern song dynasty.The reason of impact the characteristics of poems spare no one,but the writer makes friends and each other’s the ideas about poem creation is certainly a factor that cannot ignore. So is Wen Yanbo.In chapter 3, this paper analysises the impaction of Wen Yanbo’s friendship on his poem.In all his poem, the theme of friendship takes up almost half of them,absolutely called "make poem more for friends".his making friend with scholars around him,not only made him continue and carried forward"Xi kun body" ,but also generated its own unique features of his poem,or "Scholarly Poetry".This paper researched Wen yanbo’s friendships on comprehensive historical materials,grabing his intercourse produce big effect on his poetry creation,and makes researches on the artistic features of poems.The discussion constitutes a complete theory system by action of friendship from beginning to end.

【关键词】 文彦博交游诗歌西昆体学人之诗
【Key words】 Wen yanboIntercoursePoetryXi Kun bodyScholarly Poetry
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期