

Pricipal Agent Theory Perspective of Affordable Housing Policy Implemention

【作者】 尹义铭

【导师】 邵晓光;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 行政管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 公共政策是现代政府达成有效社会治理的基本方式。随着全面建设小康社会这一总体目标的不断推进,它在整合社会资源、解决社会公共问题过程中所起的作用也日渐重要。经济适用房政策是公共政策的一种,是政府为解决中低收入家庭住房问题而制定的重要政策,是加强对弱势群体家庭福利保障的重要手段,也是实现社会公平的重要保证。但是经济适用房政策在执行过程中却存在很多问题。本文从经济适用房政策执行中出现的问题入手,运用委托代理理论,从一个全新的角度阐述地方政府在上级政府和民众的双重委托下,执行经济适用房政策,针对代理过程中出现的问题,力求从根本上提出一些对策来解决南阳市经适房政策执行不力问题。本文大体上共分为四章:第一章是经济适用房政策及委托代理理论的相关介绍,本章重点介绍了经济适用房政策的执行,委托代理理论的三个前提和两个模型及其在南阳市经适房政策执行中的应用。第二章是南阳市经济适用房政策在执行中出现的问题,本章通过南阳市420套经适房被按商品房出售这一案例,找出实施中出现的问题并对问题进行归纳总结。第三章是运用委托代理理论对经适房政策在执行中出现的问题进行分析,本章通过委托代理理论的三个前提(利益目标不一致,信息不对称,契约不完备)对出现的问题分析,力求从根本上找出出现问题的原因。第四章是完善经济适用房政策执行的措施,本章尝试运用委托代理理论对政府在政策执行过程中出现的问题进行解决,内外齐抓,探索全新的解决问题的办法。

【Abstract】 Public policy is an effective government social governance of the basic approach. as a comprehensive building when the overall objective of promoting the integration of social resources and solving social problems in the process of the role it is important. economic affordable housing policy is public policy of low- and middle-income households is the government to solve the housing problem of important policy is to strengthen the protection of vulnerable groups family welfare of the important means of achieving social justice is also an important guarantee。But economic affordable housing policy in the course of implementation, there exist many problems. from the economic and suitable houses for the policy of problems in applying the theory, commission, from a new perspective on the local government in the government and the mandate of the economic and suitable houses for policies to address problems in the process, aimed at fundamentally put forward some countermeasures to solve the housing policy of nan yang shi, aren’t enforced.The whole of four chapters :The first chapter is economically affordable housing policy and the theory of relevant information in this chapter introduces the implementation of economic affordable housing policy, and entrusted to agents of the theory of three premises and two models and by the housing policy in nan yang shi the application.The second chapter, is nan yang shi economic and suitable houses for the enforcement problems in this chapter 420 Economic and suitable houses by nan yang shi of the sale was commodity house this case for the implementation of the problems in the matter under review.The third chapter was entrusted to agents of the theory of the room in the policy of the problem of this chapter analytical, through an authorized the theory of the three premises(interests of the objectives and information asymmetry)to the problems of the analysis, aimed at fundamentally find a problem.The fourth chapter is to improve the economic and suitable houses for the implementation of policy measures to try to use of this chapter in the theory of government policy in the course of implementation problems to solve them, and explore new ways to solve the problem.

【关键词】 经济适用房政策执行委托代理
【Key words】 Affordable housingPolicy implementationAgent
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期