

Method Based on Semantic Analysis of Quantifier Chinese as Foreign Teaching Language

【作者】 王佳

【导师】 唐厚广;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 量词是汉藏语系中具有鲜明特色的词类,也是现代汉语中特有的一种词类。量词的应用是汉语的一个显著特征,因此这也成为对外汉语教学中留学生学习的重点和难点。传统的对外汉语量词教学主要偏重于量词的语法意义,目前的对外汉语教材对量词的解释也偏重于量词的语法功能,而未将量词的选择和辨析作为重点,忽视了量词与其他成分间搭配的关系,并且通常用“习惯”来解释搭配关系,这也使得留学生在学习汉语量词时只能被动地加以记忆。本文以HSK(初中等)词汇大纲中的量词为研究对象,力图从语义分析的角度将其划分为系统的类别,对处在同一类别中的量词进行辨析比较研究,运用以语义分析为主的综合教学法,来探索对外汉语量词教学的新途径。文章的绪论部分为现代汉语量词概说,介绍现代汉语量词的正名、分类及从静态到动态,再到与新兴理论结合研究的基本情况。第一章,主要介绍对外汉语量词教学和研究概况,说明对外汉语量词教学中存在的难点和量词使用的偏误分析,以及本文的研究对象和运用的理论基础。第二章,HSK(初中等)词汇大纲中的量词的具体语义分析。主要是将大纲中的量词从语义角度进行具体的分析分类。第三章,针对上文的分析提出以语义特征分析为主的综合教学法。主要说明了以语义分析法为主,词源法、汉字字形法、认知心理法和语用色彩法等为辅的对外汉语量词综合教学法。第四章,具体介绍对外汉语量词的分段教学。主要将HSK(初中等)词汇大纲中的量词按难易程度划分相应的教学阶段,使对外汉语量词教学带有由浅入深的层次感。结论部分,总结全文,阐述从语义分析角度为主进行对外汉语量词综合教学的价值和意义。

【Abstract】 Quantifier is the distinct characteristics of Sino-Tibetan Languages in the parts of speech, is a unique part of speech in Chinese, the application of quantifiers is also a prominent feature of the Chinese language, so it has become a Chinese as foreign language teaching students to learn the important and difficult.Words in the traditional foreign language grammar focus mainly on the meaning of quantifiers, the current foreign language textbooks on the interpretation of quantifiers is also emphasis on the grammatical function of classifiers, but not the choiceof the quantifier and discrimination as a priority, ignoring the inter-mix with other ingredients, quantifiers Relationship, and often use the "habit " to explain the collocation, which also makes the students in the learning Chinese can only be a passive memory.In this paper, HSK (Intermediate) outline of the quantifier words as research object, semantic analysis from the perspective of trying to be divided into categories for the system in order to explore Chinese as foreign language teaching in new ways quantifiers.Part of the article introduction summary of modern Chinese quantifier is introduced to rectify the name of modern Chinese quantifier, classification and study of the fundamentals.The first chapter introduces the foreign language teaching and research overview of quantifier, indicating that foreign language teaching in quantifier used in difficult and error analysis, and the object of this research and the use of the theoretical basis.Chapter II, HSK (Intermediate) terms in the quantifiers outline the specific analysis of the semantic classification. Chapter III, proposed for the analysis above, semantic feature analysis-based, integrated approach.Mainly explained by the semantic analysis-based,etymology method,Chinese characters method,cognitive psychology color method,and pragmatic foreign method,supplemented by comprehensive teaching of Chinese quantifier.The fourth chapter describes the specific segment teaching foreign language quantifiers.Conclusion, mainly on the semantic analysis from the perspective of integrated classifiers based foreign language teaching for the value and significance.

【关键词】 对外汉语量词教学语义
【Key words】 Chinese as foreign languageQuantifierTeachingSemantic
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期