

The Cultural Interpretation of "a Temple Fair of Plate" in Liulin of Shanxi Province

【作者】 贾雪梅

【导师】 江帆;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 民俗学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 “盘子会”是山西柳林年节仪式中以祭祀为核心的庙会文化,在以往的报刊杂志中关于柳林“盘子会”的研究文章甚少,即使有也是对“盘子会”文化事象的简单罗列。本文则应用了民俗学、社会学、人类学的理论与方法,以田野调查为基本手段,辅以地方文献资料对“盘子会”的传承与变迁、“盘子会”仪式中的象征意义进行了全面的研究,通过这些研究,发现“盘子会”在民众日常现实生活中具有重要的影响。本文重点阐释的内容是在非物质文化保护语境下,围绕“盘子会”所形成的三方利益的关系。本文主要分为五个部分:绪论部分主要对选题的意义、目的、研究现状、本文所用材料、研究方法、本文的理论创新和不足之处作以说明。第二章为“盘子会”概述。主要介绍了“盘子会”产生、发展以及“盘子会”所依托的自然、社会环境。第三章以民俗学“整体研究”方法为指导,对“盘子会”的仪式进行了详细的说明,还原了“盘子会”展演的仪式情景,应用了二元对立的理论视角对现今的“盘子会”仪式进行了深入的剖析。第四章应用“三位一体”的民俗符号理论对“盘子”、“盘子会”仪式过程中的行为所表现出的象征性意蕴进行了详尽的分析,通过对具有象征性仪式的分析揭示了“盘子会”仪式的功能作用。第五章为本文的核心章节。作为非物质文化遗产保护下的“盘子会”,笔者首先借鉴了罗伯特·雷德菲尔德大传统与小传统的理论,阐述了当代社会二者之间的互动,其次,应用了布迪厄的场域理论对现代社会中国家权利、民间艺人、“盘子会”组织者三者的利益关系进行阐释,在非物质文化遗产保护视角下,“盘子会”有其存在的合宜性。现代社会中国家权利、民间艺人、“盘子会”组织者对“盘子会”的发展有极其重要的作用,三者之间利益的互动促使“盘子会”成为山西柳林最亮的“文化品牌”。通过上述研究,本文认为,古往今来,山西柳林“盘子会”仪式在当地民众生活中始终显现出多种文化功能,是具有文化动力的民俗事象。尽管伴随着社会的发展,其在当代已发生了许多变迁,诸如仪式中原有的鬼神信仰观念逐渐淡化,仪式内容有所简化,娱乐色彩逐渐增强等,但这一极具区域性文化传统的习俗事象的“本真性”并未游离与改变。尤其置身于当下全球范围内吁请对非物质文化遗产加强保护的社会语境,伴随着区域内民众日益增强的文化自觉,这一古老的习俗文化必将得到更好的承继与发展,成为该区域文化建构的的重要列项。

【Abstract】 "Temple fair of plate" which is called“Temples Exhibition”appears in Liulin Shanxi Provence, it is a ceremony in the core of the sacrifice celebrated in annual New Year. As Liulin country’custom, the“Temple fair of plate”is knowed only by locations , so that you can find few about it in kinds of magazines or newspapers, even that you still find some luckily, it is only the examples that gives about this. In this paper the author uses such theory as folklore, sociology, anthropology and methods of on-the-spot investigation and supplemented by local literature on the inheritance and change of "Temple fair of plate" and the "Temple fair of plate" ceremony symbolic significance, including what does the "temple" mean and the behavior of a symbol of the ceremony, through these studies, you can find that how the "Temple fair of plate" ceremony affects local residents’ daily life. This article focuses on the view of the non-material culture protection in order to give an explanation of the tripartite relationship between the interests in the“Temple fair of plate”.This paper is divided into five parts:The preface explains the aims of the article, the research status, the materials and the methods used in the paper , also shows the innovation and insufficient in this research.The second chapter summarizes the "Temple fair of plate", what the main point is the introduction of the production and development of the "Temple fair of plate" and the natural and social environment it relies on.The third chapter narrates the“Temple fair of plate”, which is guided on the method called "overall research". At first, the paper gives the description of the "Temple fair of plate" ceremony in details, then deduces the performance and the ritual of the "Temple fair of plate", in order to analysis deeply, the author uses the method of a binary opposition into two ideological to describe the ceremony of the "Temple fair of plate" at present.The fourth chapter analysis the symbolic meaning through the performance of "Temple fair of plate" ceremony in-depth and shows the impaction of the "Temple fair of plate" on local residents in their daily life, thus revealing the function of the "Temple fair of plate" ceremony.The fifth chapter is the core of this paper. As we all know, the "Temple fair of plate" is a non-material cultural heritage. In this chapter, firstly, the author draws on Robert Redfield’big tradition and the little traditional theory to explain the interaction between contemporary society , secondly, explains the relationship between the three interests such as the national rights, the folk artists and the organizers of the "Temple fair of plate" ceremony in the application of Bourdieu’s field theory. In the view of the intangible cultural heritage, the "Temple fair of plate" not only has the rights to exist, but also should be inherited. Once the "Temple fair of plate" performances well, we must deal with the tripartite of the national rights, the folk artists and the organizers of the "Temple fair of plate" ceremony. If that, the "Temple fair of plate" not goes well but also become the brightest local culture brand in Liulin Shanxi Province.All in all, the author shows that in the "Temple fair of plate" ceremony, the spirits of the ghost fade out step by step and the ways of it gradually simplified, in order to meet the needs of the development of the social life, the "Temple fair of plate" should complied with the history and change their ingredients in order to reduce the superstitious and the mysterious, enhance the function of the ceremony’entertainment. Maybe, in some day, the“Temple fair of plate”will be the most popular entertainment in life or be the most important part in social life.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期