

Research on Chinese and Korean Homographs and the Related Teaching Strategy

【作者】 朴信英

【导师】 杜欣;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来,随着中韩两国汉语教育交流的不断深入和扩展,汉语课程逐步在韩国基础教育中建立和完善起来,学术上的成果也十分引人注目。基于汉韩两种语言在历史上有着比较密切的关联,尤其是韩语中的汉字词,无论在书写、语法、发音等多方面都存在着诸多相似之处,因此,韩语中的汉字词作为汉语教学的一种辅助手段常常在课堂中被频繁使用。然而,汉语和韩语毕竟分属两种语言,在漫长的历史演化中逐渐形成了各自的词汇、语法体系,同时,为了更加适应社会的使用需求,也被融入了不同的时代因素与社会因素。因此,如果将汉韩同形词完全等同起来,不加区分的进行教学,必定会导致汉语习得的偏误。目前,韩国中学汉语教材中存在着一定量的汉韩同形词,而在理论和实践方面却比较欠缺。本论文拟将对韩国高中现行6种汉语教材中的汉韩同形词做一系统性的总结,具体分析其异同及对汉语教学行为的具体影响,同时制定科学合理的汉语课堂教学方法。在文章结构上,这篇论文包含4个部分。序论部分简要阐述论文研究方向和中心课题。第一章提出汉韩同形词的概念、分类。第二章对韩国六种汉语教材中的汉韩同形词开展数据统计,并进行对比分析,指出汉韩同形词对韩国高中生汉语习得的作用与影响。第三章利用汉韩同形词开发汉语课堂新模式。第四章概括性的总结观点,并对韩国高中教材中出现的汉韩同形词教学做一展望。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the Chinese educational exchanges between China and Korea continued to deepen and expand Chinese language programs in elementary education in Korea, and gradually established and improved, academic results are very compelling. Based on both Chinese and Korean languages in history has a relatively close relationship, especially in Korean Hanja, whether in writing, grammar, pronunciation and other aspects there are many similarities, therefore, as a Korean in Chinese teaching Chinese Words an aid is often used frequently in the classroom. However, Chinese and Korean, after all, belong to two languages, in the long history of evolution, evolved their own vocabulary, grammar system, while, in order to better meet the needs of the community to use, has also been integrated into the social factors and different times factors. Therefore, if the Chinese and Korean word with exactly the same shape together, without distinction of teaching, Chinese language acquisition will result in errors. Currently, Chinese school textbooks in South Korea there is a certain amount of Chinese and Korean homograph, and in the theory and practice has been relatively lacking. This paper intends to present 6 of the South Korean high school Chinese textbooks in Chinese and Korean word with the form to make a systematic summary, detailed analysis of their similarities and differences and act on the specific impact of Chinese language teaching, while developing a scientific and reasonable method of classroom teaching of Chinese.In the article structure, the paper contains four parts. Sequence of part of the thesis briefly describes the direction and center issue. Chapter homograph Chinese and Korean made the concept of classification. Chapter six of South Korea Han Han Chinese teaching materials to carry out the same form of the word statistics and comparative analysis of Chinese and Korean that Korean high school students homograph Chinese acquisition of the role and impact. Chapter use of Chinese and Korean Chinese classroom homograph new model of development. Chapter IV summarizes general point of view, and high school textbooks in Korea, Chinese and Korean that appears to make a homograph prospect of teaching.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 01期
  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】267