

The Design and Implemention about the Support System of CTT Voice Package

【作者】 刘文奇

【导师】 郑岩;

【作者基本信息】 北京邮电大学 , 软件工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着通信行业间日益激烈的竞争以及计费技术的快速发展,为了满足不同用户对电信资费的个性化需求并合理规避政府的资费管制,电信运营商纷纷推出自已的资费套餐。套餐对用户之所以有吸引力在于用户选择套餐后可以获得部分免费通话时间,这样用户的消费潜力将得到释放,当用户选择套餐,释放出消费潜力的时候,原有的合帐后用户消费数据会发生变化,可能稳定在高于历史消费ARPU值的水平上。由于目前CRTBS(中国铁通计费营帐系统)向用户提供不同种类的套餐的能力较差,按照减少对现网其他用户的影响、对CRTBS现有软件版本不做大规模修改和替换的原则,因此必须建设独立平台来实现不同种类的套餐,并可以通过独立平台进一步实现商企、家庭虚拟网内部通话优惠等业务功能,以及将来与移动合作的各项业务。本文简要介绍了铁通语音套餐支持系统的设计与实现,首先对语音套餐支持系统涉及的关键技术进行了阐述,并在此基础上结合企业工作实际需求和现有系统的特点,设计了系统架构,确定了实现基本流程和原理:首先针对每一个套餐在CRTBS系统设置相应的优惠规则,并在套餐支持系统中设置该套餐计费的资费,其次在套餐支持系统的营业受理界面来进行套餐的受理。受理后将只改变CRTBS的用户优惠设置和帐户优惠设置。申请套餐的用户原来享受的这两类优惠规则全部删除,将套餐对应的优惠规则直接插入CRTBS数据库的这2张优惠设置表中。在CRTBS完成对话单正常的批价处理后,套餐支持系统将申请了套餐的用户话单提取出来,并依据套餐资费独立进行批价,批价后重新入库到CRTBS中,CRTBS的帐务系统不做调整,最终成功实现了给用户提供不同资费套餐业务的功能。最后本文利用具体的套餐实例说明了套餐在系统中的实现过程,并应用套餐收益测算模型分析和估算了套餐的实际收益,进一步阐述了系统部署实施的积极意义。

【Abstract】 With the increasingly fierce competition among the telecommunications industry and rapid technological development of accounting, telecom operators have launched their own price packages,for the sake of meeting the different users’ individual needs and avoiding government telecommunications charges regulation with reasonable charges.It is attractive to customer that selected the package you have the partial free talk time. So that the customer’s consumption potential will be released and the original co-account consumption data may be change and stable above the historical level of consumer ARPU value.Due to the current CRTBS (China Railcom billing camp system) disability of provide different types of packages, and according to the basic principle as reducing the impact about the existing customers and not to changing the current software in large-scales, we must building an independent platform for different types of packages which can be further achieved function about company or family intercom offers and it also good to the future cooperation with the ChinaMobile business.This paper introduces the design and implementation of CTT voice package support system. At the first part of the paper, we expound correlation technology about the support systems, then introduce the system architecture,confirm the basic processes and principles on this basis with the actual needs of enterprises and the existing system features.First, we will set the preferential rules for each package in the CRTBS,and set in the package support system for charging of price package, followed by the package of business support system interface for receiving the acceptance package.After acceptance the system will change the CRTBS user account settings and offers preferential settings and delete the customer’s original application included in these two settings, the preferential rules corresponding to this package directly insert into in these two setting tables of CRTBS.Completion of the normally charge about the user’s call listing in CRTBS,the call listing will be extracted into package support system if a single user transacted the package, and charged independently based on package rates, and restored into CRTBS,the billing system of CRTBS will not be adjusted, and then the system achieved successfully the functions for the different price packages to business users.Finally, this paper using specific examples of the packages to describes how the packages be implemented in the system,and based on package’s checking model to analyze and estimate the actual benefits of the package, further elaborated on the positive significance of the system deployment.

【关键词】 资费套餐CRTBS套餐验算模型优惠规则
【Key words】 pricepackagesCRTBSpackage’s checking modelpreferential rules
  • 【分类号】TP311.52;F626
  • 【下载频次】28