

Experimental Study on Hydraulic Properties of Porous Hoses

【作者】 黄兴国

【导师】 刘焕芳;

【作者基本信息】 石河子大学 , 农业水土工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 多孔管分为沿程多孔管和断面多孔管两种,其中沿程多孔管被广泛用于在化工、电力、通风、农业等多个领域。本文所研究的多孔软管仅是沿程多孔管,用于对水流实行均匀分流,其应用价值最终体现在其分流均匀度的高低。通过理论分析发现,如果多孔软管要实现均匀分流,其沿程压力就必须均匀分布,沿程压力分布的均匀度越高多孔软管出流均匀度也就越高。因此,对于多孔软管,研究重点就落在如何使其能够在工程应用中实现沿程压力的均匀分布。以多孔软管沿程压力分布规律为出发点,将影响多孔软管压力分布规律的几个主要因素(多孔软管的长度、软管管径、孔间距、入口水头和铺设坡度)作为研究重点。对多孔软管的压强分布规律,流量分布规律和出流均匀度变化规律进行了实验研究,并着重对多孔软管沿程压力分布规律进行了理论研究。得出了以下主要研究成果:(1)分析了多孔软管沿程压力分布规律,根据动量守恒和质量守恒建立了多孔软管变质量动量方程,给出了多孔软管沿程任意一点处的压强计算公式,用微元法建立了多孔软管沿程水头损失计算公式。(2)得出了多孔软管受软管长度、管径、孔间距、入口水头和铺设坡度影响时,单孔出流量、平均单孔出流量和沿程总出流量的变化规律。随入口水头、坡度增加,沿程单孔流量逐渐加大,沿程单孔流量大小与开孔比成负相关。多孔软管平均单孔出流量随入口水头、铺设坡度、孔距的增加而增加,增加的幅度随着孔距、管长的增加而减小。(3)得出了多孔软管出流均匀度随多孔软管的长度、孔间距、入口水头和铺设坡度变化的规律,提出了提高多孔软管出流均匀度的措施。随入口水头、孔距增加,出流均匀度增加;当铺设坡度大于多孔软管沿程水头损失变化率时,出流均匀度出现下降,反之增加;管长增加,出流均匀度降低。

【Abstract】 The porous hose has a wide range of applications; it has been used in many varied areas. The perforated flexible conduit, which has been studied in this thesis, is a kind of the porous hose; evenly distribution is its familiar role. For a perforated flexible conduit, the degree of its good and bad often judge by the level of evenly distribution. After theoretical analysis, we find that if we want to have a perforated flexible conduit which has much better level of evenly distribution, we must make it has better level of evenly distribution of pressure. So how to make the perforated flexible conduit has better level of evenly distribution of pressure has been the main aim of the study in this thesis.This thesis takes pressure distribution rule of the perforated flexible conduit as a starting point, and focus on studying the length of the hose, the imported pressure head, the diameter of hose, drop-distance and laying of pipelines slope which are primary factors affecting the evenly distribution of pressure. At the same time, experimental study of the pressure distribution rule, the current capacity distribution rule and flowed the uniformity change rule are made, and emphatically focusing on the theoretical study of the pressure distribution rule. Final, we come to some conclusions:After the theoretical study to pressure distribution rule of the porous hose, according to the law of momentum, in condition of the laying only one slope along the porous hose, the variable mass of momentum equation had been established. The pressure formula of random point of the perforated flexible conduit has been given. The formula of the head losses along the porous hose are demonstrated through the infinitesimal method.The regularity for change of single-hole flow, single-hole flow average have been obtained, when the porous hose is influenced by the hose length, the calibre, the pitch of holes, the hose pressure head and the laying slope. When the hose pressure head or the laying slope enhance, the single-hole flow will increase. There is a negative correlation between the single-hole flow and the open ratio. With the increasing of the hose pressure head, the laying slope or the pitch of holes, the single-hole flow average of the porous hose will increase, the incremental amount will reduce besides these.The regularity for change of the flow uniformity of the porous hose have been obtained, when the porous hose is influenced by the hose length, the pitch of holes, the hose pressure head and the laying slope. At the same time, the method how to improve the flow uniformity of the porous hose has been brought forward. With the increasing of the hose pressure head or the pitch of holes, the flow uniformity of the porous hose will increase. But when the laying slope is greater than change rate of the head losses along the porous hose, the flow uniformity of the porous hose will reduce. Otherwise the flow uniformity of the porous hose will increase. With the increasing of the hose length, the flow uniformity of the porous hose will reduce.

【关键词】 多孔软管压力分布坡度流量均匀度
【Key words】 porous hosepressure distributionslopeflowuniformity
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 石河子大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期