

Clinical Research on the Rules of Herbal Administration in Navel Therapy of Primary Dysmenorrhea

【作者】 陈晟

【导师】 高树中;

【作者基本信息】 山东中医药大学 , 针灸推拿学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:研究脐疗治疗原发性痛经临床用药规律。方法:收集整理古今文献以脐疗治疗痛经复方146首,用Microsoft Excel建立数据库,通过数据筛选等功能分别对药物的类别、高频次的用药情况、药物的性味、归经等项目进行分析。结果:用药频次居前20位(频次为30次以上)的药物依次为延胡索、肉桂、当归、吴茱萸、川芎、香附、五灵脂、没药、小茴香、红花、乳香、细辛、丁香、白芍、赤芍、乌药、冰片、蒲黄、桃仁、益母草;配伍频次居前10位的多为延胡索、肉桂、当归、吴茱萸、川芎、香附、五灵脂、没药、乳香的排列组合。结论:研究表明:①在脐疗治疗痛经的药物中,以活血化瘀药、温里药、补虚药、行气药最为常用;②延胡索是脐疗治疗痛经用药中使用频次最高的;当归配伍川芎是脐疗治疗痛经中使用频次最高的药对;③辛、苦、甘三味,在痛经用药中出现频次明显高于其他诸味,其中辛味药出现频次占绝对多数;④脐疗治疗痛经的药物归经以肝、脾、心、肾经为主。

【Abstract】 Objective: To investigate the rules of herbal administration in navel therapy of primary dysmenorrhea.Methods: 146 herbal formulas in previous literatures were collected and catalogued so as to build a database with Microsoft Excel, in which the function of data filtering was used to analyze the types, high frequency as well as property and flavor of herbs.Results: The top twenty herbs, each of which was used more than 30 times, were corydalis tuber, cassia, Chinese Angelica, Evodia rutaecarpa, chuanxiong rhizome, nutagrass flatsedge rhizome, faeces of flying squirrel, myrrha, common fennel fruit, safflower, boswellin, asarum herb, cloves, root of herbaceous peony, red peony root, lindera root, boneol, cat-tail pollen, peach kernel, herba leonuri. The permutation and combination of compatible herbs in the top ten included corydalis tuber, cassia, Chinese Angelica, Evodia rutaecarpa, chuanxiong rhizome, nutagrass flatsedge rhizome, faeces of flying squirrel, myrrha, boswellin.Conclusion:①The most common administration is to combine the herbs that are used for warming the interior, restoring and activating qi as well as eliminating stasis.②Corydalis tuber is the most frequently used herb in navel therapy of primary dysmenorrhea. The group founded by Chinese Angelica and chuanxiong rhizome is the most commonly used combination.③The acrid, bitter and sweet flavors are apparently more frequent than others occurring in prescriptions, where the acrid flavor is an absolute majority.④The channel distributions of herbs in navel therapy of primary dysmenorrheal mainly include the liver, spleen, heart and kidney meridians.

  • 【分类号】R271.113
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】321