

The Theoretical Analysis of Warming Shen and Invigoration Pi on the Treatment of DM

【作者】 冯博

【导师】 孙丰雷;

【作者基本信息】 山东中医药大学 , 中医内科学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 导师孙丰雷副教授长期从事临床教学研究,通过大量病例观察,发现糖尿病(DiabetesMellitus,DM)患者患病初期即有阳气受损征象,并随病程日久阳气亏虚愈重,导致病理产物堆积,变证百出。导师指出DM患者多具有阳气虚损,尤以脾肾为重。基于此理论,导师临床擅于运用温肾健脾法治疗DM并获得满意疗效。当前,国内一些学者认识到阳虚在消渴病发病学、病机学中的重要地位,并运用温阳法治疗DM取得较好临床疗效。因此,有必要对中医治疗DM的方法进行深入思考以及重新认识。本文通过查阅大量文献资料,较为详细的介绍了DM现代医学研究进展以及古今中医对于消渴病认识,并结合导师多年临床经验,进一步分析脾肾二脏在DM发病中所占地位,认为脾肾二脏在DM发病中起重要作用,脾肾阳虚为DM重要病机,温肾健脾为本病治疗大法。

【Abstract】 My supervisor, associate professor Sun Fenglei has been engaged in clinical teaching and researching for a long time. Through the observations of a large number of cases, he has discovered that the damage of yang has been shown in DM patients in the early period of the illness, and the damage will deteriorate as time goes on, leading to the accumulation of pathological products and various changes of symptoms. My supervisor indicates that the DM damage of yang will especially occur in pi and shen. Therefore, following the principle of treating based on the patient’s condition, my supervisor is good at treatment based on syndrome differentiation. He prescribes and uses medicine refinedly, and has achieved satisfying effectiveness in the treatment of warming shen and invigoration pi. At present, some Chinese scholars have realized the importance of yang asthenia in pathogenesis and pathology of DM, and have achieved good clinical healing efficacy. Therefore, it is essential to rediscover and make further research on the method of the treatment of DM by Chinese medicine. By reading a large amount of articles and papers, I have introduced the progress of the modern medical researches on DM and the knowledge of DM around the world throughout history in this thesis. Besides, combining my supervisor’s clinical experiences, the position of shen and pi in the outbreak of DM has also been analyzed. The thesis comes to a conclusion that pi and shen play a very important role in the outbreak of DM. The yang asthenia of pi and shen is the pathogenesis of DM, and warming shen and invigoration pi is the best method of treating.

  • 【分类号】R259
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】125